General Discussion

General DiscussionUniverse, the best offlaner in the world?

Universe, the best offlaner in the world? in General Discussion

    Who do u think the best "offlaner" in the world?
    Surely, not u, noob/bobo!


      Chi long qua


        Who is he?


          He was but now he seems to be underperforming lately in secret. Well his back to EG .

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          ROAD TO HERALD 0

            Universe, the "best" offlaner.


              Forev :)

              D the Superior
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                  I dont know if Universe was the best offlaner, but he surely was the most consistently good one. His performance on Secret 4.0 was absolutely atrocious. I dont think theres clearly a best offlaner at the moment, it's such a difficult and diverse role aswell which has to do so much.


                    Mind Control/Admiral Bulldog


                      Universe, without doubt.


                        The best there is: AdmiralBulldog
                        The best there was: Zai (maybe will be again)
                        The most consistent: Universe (before Secret era)

                        Mongrel Intruder

                          Right now the best offlaner is between Moon from OG and MindControl fron Team liquid, they have a large pool of heroes and they can perform with perfection

                          Admiral Bulldog lacks of hero pool and that is a weakness in captains mode, Alliance is making him practice with more Str carry´s to turn that but he keeps his playstyle with carry´s, turning him into a predictible player.
                          sry for my bad english :P


                            Honestly everybody who says Bulldog is the best offlaner is a mindless Alliance/Bulldog-fanboy. He's amazing on 2 heroes and thats pretty much it.


                              ^ Most of the stuff u say is mindless and rotarded, but you are not alone, its just that lately you spam the forum a lot...

                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                Bulldog . Don't even like alliance but the guy is pretty much the carry. His brood was amazing


                                  Bullldong is like tier below MindControl, Moon and Forev.



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                                      Brothers, Universe is better than Bulldog. Universe very rarely make mistake. Sorry, bad english.


                                        Universe very rarely make mistake

                                        lul u should watch secret nowdays


                                          ^ yeah secret rarely makes things right 4Head


                                            FORCED MMR CONSPIRACY (also 45% weekly winrate + "rotarded")
                                            Also I dont think that I post "rotarded" stuff, im just making fun out of your FORCED MMR bullshit. Seriously learn how to improve, you got a 45% weekly winrate, yet you got the nerves to blame others for your failure.

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                                              According to Manila major, its the Newbee guy (kpii??). Bulldog was good, top 3 in Manila for sure, granted his hero pool are limited in current patch (no ds,void, etc) but he plays very good on his pool hero ( Brood,Beast,Np). Moon are more up/down performance. His supports made him better.


                                                Zai would be the best offlaner.



                                                  Vem Comigo

                                                    phantom riki without a doubt


                                                      ^still a more legit answer than Ice3x/Zai/Bulldog.
                                                      Kpii is actually the player with the least amount of deaths, which is very respectable as offlaner. He isnt really a player which makes flashy plays which is probably the reason nobody is mentioning him.
                                                      MindControl is also playing amazing, especially on Slardar, hitting multiple 3 man crushes almost every game.

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                                                        Mind control and kpii are pretty good

                                                        Honestly I think zai is (at least was) the best offlaner hands down


                                                          yes Universe was the best offlaner (for me). But his performance were too damn bad when he joined Secret
                                                          P.S : Sorry for bad english

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                                                            I agree with u @Suffered

                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                              In the mind of someone who plays dota since 2014/2015:
                                                              Universe - best offlaner
                                                              Miracle - best mid
                                                              ppd - best support

                                                              No, but gotta say he is pretty good, mb the best in NA


                                                                Zai at the peak of secret was the most dominant offlaner. He completely took over games with minimal resources, and he did it often, something I haven't seen from any other offlaner. When bulldog takes over a game its because the team and draft has been built around him, creating space for him to farm or giving him a favourable lane. Zai created the space himself.


                                                                  Universe - best offlaner (FACT)
                                                                  Miracle - best mid laner (FACT)
                                                                  ppd - best support LOL

                                                                  best support is Puppey
                                                                  wanna hear a fact again?
                                                                  best carry is Fear (he have so many exp in this game who play from Dota 1 until now, Dota 2)

                                                                  NB: sorry for bad english


                                                                    Best offlaner by far is Kumbomaman. Also TripleSteal at his peak was decent too. Idk about young prodigy Bogi and his brood, but i've heard he was raping 4k bracket at one point with it.


                                                                      Very difficult to compare bulldog to other offlaners because alliance give him more farm priority than most teams give their offlaner - hence his impact is automatically going to be higher than most offlaners.

                                                                      Not saying he isn't or is the best, just that he plays the offlaner differently to most.