General Discussion

General Discussionvalve has fucked this game

valve has fucked this game in General Discussion

    seriously my ratio of getting good teammates is like fucking 5:1

    and then every single fucking stack i play with is pure shit. I don't get it.

    I also don't understand why God decided to create these numerous amounts of retarded fucks. never will


      The Problem is the Bonus retard u get every Match


        fucking insane. Like my last game. get a idiot fuck who thinks that a jungle BS would be good. in ranked.

        and then my lion just has no fucking clue how to lion. with no clue about positioning.

        Like obviously these retards aren't in my skill level. either they should be sub 1 fucking k or I should be fucking 7k+
        casue fuck

        Best Treant EU

          hm i have 75% wr with jungle bs in ranked. in which lane would u put bs instead?
          just focus on ur own game and dont get mad from min 0 if ur teammates pick jungler.
          the funny games are jungler + roamer in ur team and no courir. yes that happens at vhs too lol

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            i wouldn't have a jungler unless it actually benefits the team. all core jungler's require other lanes to be won. and more often than not when you have a jungler the lanes lose because there is one useless fucker doing nothing for the first fucking 15 minutes.

            I wouldn't even have a fucking bs. hero is so shit anyway. BS is only situational and hardly ever would i pick it

            Pale Mannie


                I think BS is very fun to play, running around with 600 move speed and a shadow blade is actually quite enjoyable. Nothing wrong with a bit of unranked fun.


                  Negative winrate, yet team mates are the problem ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                  Also 10% abbandon rate, must be great to get you on the team.

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                    My team mates recently have been really good (in my solo ranked games). There are only a few exceptions, but they all seem okay.


                      ^ lie.


                        Relax m8, some braindead ignorants will tell u to "just blame yourself, cose when you loose you are the only one to blame", but u can always remember that there is such a thing as hidden pool and forced winrate, and u are just probably in that period where u get trash as teammates, time will come when u get much better teammates, just thrive off of it.


                          FORCED MMR-CONSPIRACY
                          They even got mechanics so you miss hits with MKB, right Kobby?
                          FORCED MMR-CONSPIRACY
                          Also @Kobby 45% monthly winrate, youre the thrower in your games ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                          @OP Forced winrate and hidden pool does not exist, thats just a sorry excuse from people who can't improve.

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                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                              Negative winrate on a smurf holy shit thats rich

                              Von Darkmoor

                                It comes in waves you get 10-15 losses in a row then all the sudden you get 10 wins in a row without even trying since you gave up on the game after those 10 losses with complete retards or you gave into it and started ruining the games on purpose as vengeance!