General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i just calibrated at 3.6k

So i just calibrated at 3.6k in General Discussion

    Any tips on how to git gud so that i can reach 4k someday.? I main supporting (but i dont play support on calibration matches and normal matches that would affect my skill bracket) i can also play all other roles decently as well, any tips on how to improve or are there any strategies for 3k bracket?



      Corvus Corax

        dat profile pic. any names captain?


          well enjoy the drop back to 2k I guess.


            so how do i not drop back to 2k? which hero to spam? is axe or timber really a good idea?

            King of Low Prio

              it really doesnt matter what hero u play you will drop down to 2k


                so are you saying i have no chance on not dropping to 2k mmr? if so explain why i dont have a chance, if you get to give me a good explanation then im gonna work hard to get better based on your explanation


                  just counter enemies dude


                    You just have to get good at dota man. Nothing anyone can tell you.


                      Why do you ask shit that we already told you? you will drop to 2k because you're trash simple as that


                        just play and git gud

                        muted all, it's just a ga...

                          Must be painful for him to read it but yeah, reading guides may be helpful for you . I'll give a treasure for you

                          Remember that this is not the first and the only guide out there . Even if you play support, learn about carries, because before you support any carry in games, you must understand first what they need.
                          Good luck

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            play a lot of unranked, when you feel you figured out the bracket and the enemys are shit, start playing ranked
                            tldr get good


                              @ft.Rekt&Fun thanks for that link

                              Giff me Wingman

                                Spam timber


                                  Quit while ur ahead


                                    any tips for a newbie timber player?


                                      omg just play a lot man and observe professional players... there are really no solid tips how to help you aside from helping yourself


                                        This is the thing about MMR.

                                        its about winning more than you lose.

                                        Right now you lose more than you in , in UNRANKED, ranked shuld be harder, so it is DOUBTFUL that just spamming a hero will hlp you climb.

                                        Especially in this patch that is all about all the heroes being balanced.

                                        Pick timber, enemy picks kotl, say gbye to all ur mana gl being useless.

                                        If u were good ur win rate would not be 46%, become good enough to win more than you lose.

                                        I can sit here and give utons pf advice on what to do but ueont rly learn it unless its from experience.


                                          i had a low winrate because i focused more on getting a good kda and gpm rather than winning

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            you barely every have a positive kda......