General Discussion

General DiscussionHow hard is it to get out of this bracket?

How hard is it to get out of this bracket? in General Discussion

    Teams never support me. Make games super hard. Still win, still playing with trash.


      you're on a smurf which means you are playing with new people, stfu

        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

          im 11-0 and playing normal games still.....


            eventually i know im gonna get a team that is uncarryable. i will lose that one game and valve will place me in normal skill forever


              smurf detection working as intended


                more like rigged intention working as intented


                  If you want very high skill, you gotta do very high skilled things.

                  Lil Bill

                    Nah, Check my dota buff right quick
                    The secret is that dota will know where you deserve to be placed and you will be placed accordingly. Like. If youre a 2k player, and youre playing like 2k in a 2k match, then DOTA recognizes that and keeps you there, Long story short. If you've made new account after new account and you keep getting put in normal skill match games... Sorry bruh.. But you gotta just keep practicing until youre good. lol


             another account i was playnig on i got VHS in a few games. There seemed to be no difference in play style of VHS to Normal games. Its bullshit how MMR/Hidden MMR works. Its easy to go 15-0 as a carry with a good support, but if you have no support you have much less room. The only reason higher mmr players get higher KD is because of their team/support. I unfortunately have to play with people who dont understand anything about the game. Its actually hard to carry some games because my team is feeding like crazy. I don't have enough space to farm an advantage so I have to be really cautious all game. Its not possible to just magically get 15-0. I could play on professional level and win 50% or more of my games with professional level teammates. In fact, there are alot of players I wouldn't even want on my team who are considered professionals.

                      The only reason I stop playing that account is because I signed out and forgot PW and email.

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               this is how i feel about professional dota.


                          "I could play on professional level and win 50% or more of my games with professional level teammates. In fact, there are alot of players I wouldn't even want on my team who are considered professionals."


                          ASSESS Product

                            The irony is you also didn't play support at all. So if you want to encourage people to play support, how about start from yourself??


                              i dont support 300/400 gpm players


                                why doesnt arteezy pick support? yet hes 8800 mmr. he doesnt do anything special, he just gets matched with players who aremore inclined to support him.


                                  I honestly think the game is so rigged, I wouldn't doubt that valve pays kids in china 5$ a day to post on these forums and dispute any arguments against their system. Honestly, who would spend their time defending this MMR system? Its fucking garbage. They don't even reset the MMR per season. They make you play a shit ton of unranked games on a new account before you can even start to play MMR. Its like a pyramid scheme. Even if you are really good you have to play like 10000 games to climb up to the top. Most at the top arent even high winrate. They don't let you dodge any games without punishment if you see someone you don't want to play with. I should be aloud to see my teams stats and say "No thanks".

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                                    "you should consider asking ясуо-мейнер about being retarded"

                                    The sad thing is, looking at your dotabuff, you are one of the shitstains that I would never want on my team. Tranquil/desolator SF.

                                    Your account fluctuates between normal and VHS, and you seem to be retarded when playing in both brackets. Like..... tranquil boots desolator SF. You are fucking trash.

                                    ASSESS Product

                                      Seriously 4k in unranked are full of tryhard smurf that trying to calibrate 4k+ and one of them are you. So don't stop bitching about that. I too have vhs smurf and most of my game I rarely get 1 support in team same also in enemy team. I think this might change when you're 6k and above.

                                      Here my smurf in case if someone is bitching about this acc skill bracket but its not like I care anyway.
                             (ns bracket was a party)

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                                      Lets do Science

                                        wowie you can win normal / high skill unranked games you must be the bets palyer evar y isnt vovlu giving you +6000 mmr???!!!??/111ononeone? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're winning normal skill unranked games that have the skill level of passive bots. I mean seriously, you think valve is intentionally keeping your smurf out of vhs unranked games? Do you seriously think you're important enough for any one to actually waste their time to try and stop you from smurfing?


                                          I can win any game, at best if I had 5 players of my skill level on my team then there would be a team that can beat me 50% of the time. There are alot of people that are as good at playing the game as myself. But at the same time, most of the players are not near my skill level. My teams are just always bad. They do almost everything as bad as possible. Nobody buys smokes or wards useful places. Nobody stack/pull. People buy bad items. People don't push when we are ahead and I have to beg them to group up when we can end the game. Often, my team steal my hero pick and feeds. Often, my team pushed my lane. Often, my supports do nothing useful in lane if I even get a support and just leach exp and then TP away for no reason and feed another lane making it impossible to lane. I have to do my own pulls. Fuck I pretty much have to do everything.

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                                            lesson : dont smurf.

                                            pro tip to smurf :

                                            1. dont use same email when creating new account
                                            2. GIT GUD
                                            3. ?????????
                                            4. PROFIT

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              people never support me mi mi mi fuck you
                                              try supporting for a change fucking smurf

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                Dude if you don't want to play with the new players that don't know what they're doing, don't make a new account and if you do make a new account don't complain about the fact that the players you get matched up with don't play at your skill level. Your account looks like the hundreds of other new accounts out there. The matchmaking system is designed to make things as even as possible so guess what accounts you get matched with.


                                                  2k can't climb mmr, lul. makes smurf, gets 2k, cries, quits doto. gg wp


                                                    Hook and Roll, you are consistently in Normal skill. Your opinion is invalid. You literally just explained the exact reason I hardly ever pick supports heroes. I typically like to play carry role. I don't play mid. I don't like to jungle. In certain situations I go offlane because I know I can get maximum value. I will consider support the player picking carry is 600+ gpm avg(if they pick carries always) or they have a high winrate, or give me reason to believe they are good enough to carry the game. Most of the time, its just some random 400 gpm fucking moron thinking they can carry the game so I simply will not support those people. 95% of the time my team doesn't even say anything in pick screen and picks random shit at the end or after the timer is over. 40% of that 95% they steal my pick at the last second. I don't auto pick heroes so this happens alot.

                                                    Its funny how everyone commenting on here is in normal skill games...... And doesn't actually know what they are talking about in the slightest.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      any time I make a new account I get VHS instantly and stay there.

                                                      First time I did this I was at 3.2k - I don't need to mention that I hate those games and would actually prefer to lose.

                                                      High skill bracket is the biggest cancer. Uncarriable toxic shits. At least in normal games nobody gives a fuck if you're farming 10 lh/min, they've got their own business, sitting in the trees all day waiting to get a pick off as a 300gpm slark.

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        then pick support u dam hell

                                                        ASSESS Product

                                                          Its funny how everyone commenting on here is in normal skill games...... And doesn't actually know what they are talking about in the slightest.

                                                          Yea yea vhs smurf. Go bragging your vhs smurf. I guess you're normal skill scrub too in your first acc.


                                                            ^ Learn to read.

                                                            @Rip_Exam I never said there was anything wrong with being in normal skill bracket. I said that I don't like playing in these games because they bore me to death, and I feel like I wan't to play REAL dota games where I am actually feeling challenged by the enemy team, rather than my own teams terribly low skill. Well, thats what I mean to say. I am just wondering why I am now 12-0 and I still have these low skill teammates.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                              lul, you are so stupid lul, everyone here is ns, but i am better than everyone in my ns smurf lul
                                                              i had like 3 games in the hs bracket in the past 30 , in pubs only ,since i only play ranked when i am to groove

                                                              Trust the plan

                                                                вай ду ю колл ми

                                                                я лучший в мире а вы просто донные
                                                                хасаги репорт лес

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  ^ 52.08% Winrate. All normal skill. 400 gpm on core heroes. Typical.

                                                                  Also, this isnt a russian thread. Why would you speak russian? At least use google translate.

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                  Trust the plan

                                                                    чево ты пишеш мне
                                                                    энгландский плеасе


                                                                      Dude I cant understand your ancient heiroglyphs.

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      Trust the plan

                                                                        yang saya pergi ke menjadi anggota tentang ibu bercinta kamu sampah dan tidak harus hidup di dunia saya di mana saya sempurna


                                                                          how about , GIT GUD?


                                                                            Rofl this russian dude is raging hard as fuck in foreign languages. No offence, you are the type of player I hate playing with. Get offended cause you aren't good. When I was bad at HoN I wanted to learn from better players and I asked for them to help me. I didn't just do whatever the fuck I wanted and piss people off.


                                                                              Its hard to GIT something you already HIVE. Like, I cannot go retrieve my penis because its already attached to me.

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                btw, OP, playing only carry won't get you anywhere because there's shitloads of other people who think exactly the same as you. one thing I hate even more than account buyers is precisely your attitude

                                                                                you wouldn't have a 600 gpm average at 4k+, nor you can get to 4k+ by playing only carry (unless you are already 5k).

                                                                                low-mid 4k is probably my home in terms of skill and confidence, but I had most success in the 3k by playing support - even though the carries barely know how to farm, the support players know even less. I practically won a few games by the 3rd minute mark by placing good wards and bullying(ganking) mid.

                                                                                I even won a game as a position 5 lina in a 3900 average party match where I ended up with highest GPM and lasthits.

                                                                                I'm not telling you to start spamming support but supporting isn't necessarily picking venge or dazzle. Look for heroes who have great teamfight contribution like phoenix or disruptor.

                                                                                Offlaners like timber and brood also can carry the game.

                                                                                At a good skill level, the carry is expected to farm well because the supports are expected to secure the lane for the carry and exp/farm for themselves by stackpulling the small camp and by stackpulling the bigcamp which allows the carry to farm without worries of pushing the lane and getting even more farmexp from the stackpulled bigcamp on the side.

                                                                                I'm sure I'd still be at low mid 3k if I didn't change my attitude about the game (if I don't get mid we lost because another shitstain is gonna do it instead of me and I gotta suffer playing a hero/position I don't know how to play/don't enjoy). I ended up understanding all positions are fun and should be explored.

                                                                                Another trait of NS/HS games is that players pick what they want to play instead picking what the team needs. Furthermore, you can't say you know your hero until you know how to play the heroes which synergize well with it. You can't be a good dark seer with a sven on your team if you don't know how to play sven, and vice versa.

                                                                                I believe that if you wanna play positon 1, you need to learn positon 5. If you wanna play position 2, you need to learn position 4. If you wanna play position 3, you need to learn everything else.

                                                                                Trust the plan

                                                                                  шо ты высрал сюка

                                                                                  i can berbicara indo, ruski, englando, francains languages
                                                                                  so its ur problem you cant understand me

                                                                                  because i am the best riki player in this world and you can't stop me from creating my new build


                                                                                    watch replay and dont give a fuck about ward or support , just play and support your self . support at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .


                                                                                      I have to have a really really bad game to have under 550 gpm. Either that, or I am running a teampush lineup. Some games you have lower gpm, but these are the ones that are over in 10 minutes. If you play any game as a carry thats 25+ minutes it is pretty much inexcusable to have under 550 gpm.

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                      Trust the plan

                                                                                        ты мусор


                                                                                          watch replay and dont give a fuck about ward or support , just play and support your self . support at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .

                                                                                          The most important part of supporting is knowing where to be in the early game. Most games you can win on level 1 in the safelane. Or at least secure a huge farming advantage for your carry. This is how most high mmr games are. If you know how to pick proper lanes that is....

                                                                                          Trust the plan

                                                                                            upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .upport at low bracket is useless, cant even deward , blackup TP and smoke gank .

                                                                                            убей себя))

                                                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                                                              lul looked at losses with 400 gpm,
                                                                                              look at this
                                                                                              or even this position 4 riki
                                                                                              position 5 lich

                                                                                              show me your main and them we can talk

                                                                                              and see that all roles were diferent

                                                                                              and if i had 12 games agaisnt newbs of course i would have 100% wr
                                                                                              100% smurf normal skill 4head

                                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                Read "Teams never support me"

                                                                                                Close browser

                                                                                                Trust the plan


                                                                                                    op complains about NS shitstains replying in this thread, but all he does is argue with them about their virtual dick size. gg op

                                                                                                    कतर हिन्दू


                                                                                                      कतर हिन्दू

                                                                                                        even i cannot climb 4k T_T