General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Invoker

Support Invoker in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    What you guys think about a sup invoker, a quas wex build focused on tf with big aoe spells like tornado and emp, plus he can escape with ghost walk and use the cold snap to gank.
    Fow new player with a lower macro, 4 spells isntead of 9


      Throw in Rod of Atos and youre bound to get commends


        supp ivk is not viable at all , he need lv and items to be somethg... there are lots of better support


          Invoker will be greedy support i think. and he can be ganking support


            It's easy to say that invoker support is not viable,

            until someone picks him in 5.5k - 7k and supports in safe lane and wins ..

            I am not saying invoker support is something you do every game ..

            But I've seen some high level players pull it off and it works..

            Mainly on the "Watch" tab in Dota, like 6.5k avg games, but I've seen it in like a 5.5k mmr match too,

            Safelane carry and invoker..

            It's kind of hard to deal with that kind of pressure if you're a solo offlaner,

            unless you are like timber with a lot of hp regen or void with the time walk .. if you're not some hero who can stay in lane while an invoker and a carry are harrassing you.. you are forced out of lane.. your enemy carry gets free farm.. and your offlaner is under leveled and under farmed.. if he can't jungle like beast master / axe / veno or some shit.. game is prob gonna be hard unless the rest of the team is making up for the fact that the offlaner lost lane and the enemy carry is just farming away.

            SUpport invoker could work if your teammates know how to use him, and give you some time in lane to farm up while they jungle, and fight with u at the right time when u have the right spells,

            but if u don't have a team that KNOWSSSS how to play with an invoker support, it most likely won't work very well.

            You need teammates who understand the strengths and limitations ..

            which usually begins to happen in like 5.5k+ in my opinion.. in lower mmr in solo que it's rare that e veryone one your team even speaks the same fucking language

            @__@_@_@_@__@_@_@_@_@@ _@

            honestly tho if ur thinking about pickign invoker support, just pick omniknight, higher chances of winning ;)


              agreed with Calabasas
              especially in 1k MMR where people thinks that venge,bara,bounty,riki always goes fucking carry and buys weird shit without checking out the team composition,it's pretty much impossible for them to know what support invoker does

              Versatile God

                Support joker is good , "depending" on how you utilize your skill. I hate quas+wex type joker but its the easiest and scariest early joker gaming. Look at my joker games, 1 support roam type (q+w) and 1 (quas+exort) ..

                Livin' Real Good

                  Reported is what I think about it.


                    Its amazing! =) its a myth that he needs lvls and items. =) try it! lvl 1 coldsnap is amzing! stacking with froges and so on

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      underleveled invoker is like the large ranged troll neutral rofl



                        King of Low Prio

                          High mmr players can fuck around and do troll strats too. Never forget the RTZ ember.


                            Yeah I think Rod of Atos slow and ghost walk with urn and coldsnap all at the same time they can't can't leave and get 1 value point into exort for ice wall ez unescapable.


                              Yeah I think Rod of Atos slow and ghost walk with urn and coldsnap all at the same time they can't can't leave and get 1 value point into exort for ice wall ez unescapable.

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