General Discussion

General DiscussionPA early aggression builds

PA early aggression builds in General Discussion

    Is Vlads-Deso or Vanguard-Deso better?


      deso vlads if u are mid




          i like going aquila vg into deso or diffusal manta if theres stuff i need to remove/burn
          also i think u go treads if u go blur and phase if u go blink

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            i remember a friend telling me that balto's current build involves vlads tho

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              I get desolator right after phase and stick. Then u buy vg


                I usually go like perserverence deso vlads or something like that. I still like my battlefury.


                  ik im just a normal skill but im having pretty good success atm ( 70% winrate ) with PA mid & going brown boots bfury into vlads desolator then AC & finish it with ( most of the time game ends when i get AC since i will be one shotting dem scrubs )abyssal

                  generally i finish my bfury around 11-13min depending on the lane ( if i had kills mid which most of the time i will since ppl don't kno how to deal with dagger spam )

                  disclaimer : ik i should just go safelane if i wanted to build bfury & all but the reason i don't want safelane is most of the time my mid will go 0-5 before 10 min & the other reason why i build bufy is because since its 2.5k mmr games most of the time even if i try as hard as i can i can't get my team to push & end the game before 30 min & then i fall off with farm without it, so i build it to clear waves faster for push & to still keep up with my farm to outfarm the enemy carry xoxo


                    There is only the vlads-deso build. PA is a bad hero late game and a slow farmer. Don't see why anyone would go battlefury. Her strength is her Crits allow her to deal insane damage early to mid game which you should capitalize on by deso armor reduction and valds lifesteal. After getting vlads+deso get smoke and roshan. Kills people and get towers, the game should be over by now. If it is not and they have a hard carry you have most likely lost.


                      Bf gives you 65 dmg which is a good boost to your crits. It gives a really good amount of hp/mana regen which allows you to keep fighting constantly and allows you to farm faster if you aren't fighting so you can still get vlads deso in a good time. Bf isn't a bad item on pa it's just less popular because she has become more of a mid game brawler than a traditional carry.


                        Depends on the enemy heroes.

                        If you look at enemy team and they can deal a lot of dmg vangaurd is prob best.

                        If they have a team you think you can survive against if you burst them down quixkly enough (with the help of your teammates), Vlad's is ok.

                        It's important to point out tbwt vangaurd builds into abysal. Vlad's how ever takes up space in ur inventory.

                        PA has a time where she has tp win game or she can get killed ez late game vs certain carries, so the build up might not be so important.

                        If ur playing with some noobs then it's probably best to go for late game items since they won't push and end early enough.


                          She has not become a mid game brawler, she IS one. If I wanted to waste money and time farming bf i would just pick AM, farms better, pushes better, has a much better late game. BF is useless on her. Its not bad, its just that there is a much better build; vlads-deso-manta. Deso gives much more damgae than BF, regen is supplemented by vlads. All the while making her early and mid game better which allows her to win the game quickly. Once the late game comes she is pretty shit, with battlefury or no. If you don't want to accept it and still go for BF, you are welcome. I am just telling you the right and efficient way to play PA and I don't know why someone would even want to play her. She is pretty shit overall.


                            you dont get other major items before bfury. not worth getting then its a very time sensitive item

                            BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                              Oov + Blight


                                phase boots, armlet for dumb survivability early game and dumb crits early game.

                                STE 8-1-8

                                  It depends on what you want, vangaurd makes you tankier on top of your evasion, vlads gives you and your team some armour and lifesteal (@CL1B is spot on), just try to prep your crits before fighting (3-4 attacks should do it).

                                  This build is for fighting so you shouldn't really be buying a farming item like battlefury when you could have had a bkb to keep you in the fighting, you need to adjust your play style and be more aggressive, dive in and out instead of being a front liner almost like an ember spirit.

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                                    & do u guys go bottle when u play her mid? i feel like i rather rush perseverance if im going bfury or ring of aquilla if im going vlad deso build

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      why get roa if you gon make vlad, keep it as basi


                                        why in the world would ANYONE go armlet on pa

                                        there are so many more cost efficient items to buy that actually help you to do your job, which is kill things and stay alive

                                        id rather go antimage build or osme dumb shit