General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone suggest me to improve?

Can anyone suggest me to improve? in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    This is my first topic and I am a bit stranger to forum of dotabuff (Excuse my mistakes^^). I want good friends precious time to check my profile and advice according to that. It will be very helpful for me to improve. My current mmr is 2574 and I played a lot of pub games. I think my carry and mid mechanics are better then my opponents at this mmr. I played nearly every heroes. Started with supports and go ahead with offlaners. Then I realized that these roles are not enough to win the game. I want to win more and dominate the games therefore improve my mmr.

    Waiting your suggestions.

    Space Man

      Learn meepo - win games.


        I tried but it is too hard for me. After 30+ games I was finally able to increase my winrate to 50% :)


          you won't get many people to do a quality analysis

          so you're better off asking specific questions.

          and no, don't ask a question that starts with ''how do i get to x mmr"

          there's no definitive answer for that, so be precise.


            its rqually easy to increase ur rating playing cores as it is pkaying supports. if one seems harder than the other for you, it only indicates that you are weaker at this role, and might want to spend a bit more time on improving ur skills there.


              Meepo is situational even in low mmr. Even if you are good with the hero, 1ks know just go earthshaker and just getting caught by one ult and you're almost dead. Truth be told if you're good you'll keep going up in mmr, just try not to get tilted


                Just focus on one role, and learn atleast 3 heroes from that role