General Discussion

General DiscussionAgahnim Scepter Ideas?

Agahnim Scepter Ideas? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Dragon Knight - Buffs abilities while in dragon form.

    Breathe Fire (dragon form) - The intensity of the fire is increased, increasing dmg by 50% (135/255/360/450) and causing it to melt armor and reduce it by 5 for the duration of the regular debuff.

    Dragon Tail - Makes dragon tail a sweeping attack, adding an aoe with a radius of 350 of the initial target while in dragon form.

    Dragon Blood - Enhanced vitality in dragon form increasing the hp regen by 500% to 15/30/45/60 while in dragon form.


      Guys majority of these would break the game 😂😂

      Slav McGopnik

        Clinkz-Increases ult duration and reduces cooldown.

        Corvus Corax

          anti-mage=ulti has 2 charges like bs
          alchemist=1 more inventory slot(you consume an item of your choice like shard, but to full effect)
          arc warden=3 clones on ulti
          axe=battle hunger becomes aoe effect, like brist's scepter goo
          bounty=shuriken bounces like lich ulti.
          brood=web effect becomes permanent on you, hero is basically in the centre of a web wherever he walks
          ck=illusions take 100%dmg,and extra illusion always spawns
          clinkz=consume ancient for sure
          dp=ulti becomes pure, but spirits deal less dmg each
          dragon knight=another dragon form with different abilities
          ember=no manacost on ulti
          gyro=flak becomes toggle
          io=tether becomes aoe
          lesrac=ulti is pure and creates spikes around the hero(only a visual effect)
          lycan=ulti becomes like druid ulti. but leeches hp
          medusa=turns you into stone easier, and improves the mana shield protection rate
          oracle=ulti gives invis, like the good old days
          od=1st skill breaches bkb
          pa=improves passives(5k crit and 60%evasion)
          pl=improve illusion dmg output and durability
          riki=ulti purges debuffs
          slardar=ulti cant be purged
          slark=invulnerable in ulti
          sniper=more range and movespeed
          troll=removes all manacosts
          underlord=ulti can be cast on heroes(wish alliance was here to see that)

          Dire Wolf

            ooo medusa forgot about her

            Medusa- Extra shots can apply unique modifiers. Incoming skadi, diffusal medusas. Shit that would be so op, aoe diffusal with crit lawl. Or you could get mjollnir and be like aghs drow on steroids.

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