General Discussion

General Discussionsuicide please

suicide please in General Discussion
king slayer
    why do poeple like this exist anyway for the love of God, 2nd time this dipshit threw away a winning game with his obnoxious solo playing stryle killl yourself make the world a better place

    king slayer

      and he picks slark , what a fucking looser




          I tried commiting sodoku but I respawn after a few minutes. Feelsarinman


            Smurf Vs. Similar Smurf


              "Suicide please" ??? Why are you asking others for something you gotta do yourself? It's like saying "masturbation please".


                That awkward moment when a smurf complains about another smurf.


                  I really hope he does get looser


                    Lol he is a good slark player actually. His team is just fucked up.


                      Play better to get a quality match (smurf vs legit high mmr gamer )

                      From my experience, if you played well, valve will separate you form smurf full stack. You will be match with quality gamers, at my games ,almost all we're proactive. Even carry buy dust,ward,cor etc if no one plays support. Map awareness was good, rare to see ganked lanes. If i remember correctly , in my first 10-15 games Im already being matched with high level accounts.

                      If you smurf don't be happy if you are on VHS bracket, coz from what you said I guess you are on a low 4k doter bracket (borderline of hs/vhs).
                      One definitive diagnosis that your smurf goes well, high level accounts enemies/team with high mmr(4.5k above) Less toxicity, the quality of game was superb, no shit mid contest nor the "me mid 2 tango by pinoys".
                      Getgud. Glhf. Sorry to disappoint you, you're in the borderline pf hs/vhs.

                      king slayer

                        ROFL I've been vhs since i can remember,, all the high skill games are with stack dipshit get ur fact straight


                          Noob high ego kid. Hover over your games, if you're not even matched yet with legit accounts (high level accounts) . Your smurf a. failure

                          Président® Salted Butter

                            top kek