General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win a ganker lineup

how to win a ganker lineup in General Discussion

    If my only fucking way to winning unwinnable games with feeding team was split pushing hard & farming as much as i can how can i do it vs a ganking lineup with bara , silencer , slark to stop me from split pushing & farming?

    we got HEAVILY outdrafted because my team mates are stubborn & pick Anti mage offlane, at first i pinged PA safelane then when i saw anti mage ping offlane i thought its cuz i took safe , so i was like "yo AM come safe lane" & i went mid , but no he didnt listen, so i was like whatever & picked PA mid , but then my team go full retard & pick all carry , enigma jungle , bot drow & gyro & solo AM off lol holy shit sometimes i doubt ppl sub 3k mmr are even human or have any braincells.

    SO to not make it like its just another QQ thread, im genuinely asking how to win games vs a ganking & obv better team fighting lineup, everytime we went to fight them their ultimates are just too strong & they 5 manned so no way to pick off.


      Bfury on pa mid SeemsGood

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          @snorlax , ye why not it worked for me in my previous 50 games & i had 70% winrate, try to play without bfury in my bracket & get outfarmed late game because your team wont push with u & all games go to late game. Everyone hating on bfury now since they saw some pro players play PA on Ti6

          @positivity : man i alrdy said split pushing was a bad idea because of spirit breaker charging me from africa , then slark jump out of nowhere , i died 2 times trying to split push then i just gave up on it

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            PMS Mantra

              Boots, Skullbasher, Echo, Deso, Abyssal/AC/BKB. Drop the BF as you have an AM with one that can farm twice as fast if given the space. PA can go early-mid ganker, AM cannot. Maybe even go Shadow Blade just for escape or to assassinate heroes caught out. Then again, I don't even play PA, so I don't know how good my analysis is on this one.

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                ^ AM got the bfury in 21 min so i can't rlly trust an offlane AM to farm "twice as fast"

                from anger i que'd again & the result is this

                puck even added me to friend list because i was 6 slotted by 30 min & i had 9k gold in the bag

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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Outdrafted means GG
                  Just play and hope there's a noob in enemy team so you might have a chance to pawn. If not... welp.


                    never blame your team.

                    it's not them that causes win or loss, it's you.

                    and if you can't change the outcome of a game, that means you deserve the mmr you're at.

                    "doubt ppl sub 3k mmr are even human or have any braincells."
                    building battlefury on a mid PA when you have 5 cores is why you lost. you are just as bad as they are, sorry to burst your bubble.

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                      U just have to fight
                      Or build manta

                      PMS Mantra

                        I know the feeling of not trusting your team with the important stuff. I certainly don't trust my team and usually wind up in the +200 cs bracket nearly every game. I'm just saying you might have to do what is required of you to win. Like buying wards or different than core items on a PA. That's IF you want to win bad enough. Logging in to play a four-man, position one, core line up is a bad way to spend the next 30 minutes, but it happens. That's where adaption and player versatility come in.


                          here comes the never blame ur team bullshit , u geniunely ignore where i said "SO to not make it like its just another QQ thread, im genuinely asking how to win games vs a ganking & obv better team fighting lineup, everytime we went to fight them their ultimates are just too strong & they 5 manned so no way to pick off."

                          & please fucking tell me my team didn't play a role in the loss when he goes Anti mage solo offlane? obviously he wont be able to farm shit as offlane AM but he does it cuz ppl like to troll my matches & shit , yes i will build bfury because i don't trust an offlane AM to farm it fast enough & carry , i build it in 13 min he did in 21 min. I would have still lost even if i went for your so loved vanguard desolator into whatever the fuck. Insta pick AM first pick is rlly legit guys u should try it

                          next match i go 900 gpm xpm yes guys i deserve to stay on 2k , even tho every smurf i make goes into hs after first match, yes i should probably play a support? nobody in my fucking bracket farm better than me so i wont play support & baby sit someone who cant even make 500 gpm

                          its like ppl just like to spam the shitty "dont blame ur team" "u deserve to be there" & ignore when u ask for legit feedback like in this topic "how to win vs a 5 man ganking lineup" , probably because u guys have zero game knowledge & just happened to be higher mmr from playing this shit game all ur miserable lives & can only repeat the same shit in every post.


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