General Discussion

General Discussion dota meta for a league game

dota meta for a league game in General Discussion

    Lol meta looks really static with the usual top-mid-bot-support-jungle roles. So I was wondering, for example if you were on red team (northeast side of map) and blue team goes for that same meta, could you perhaps run your usual dota meta(mid, safelane, offlane, perhaps a jungling-roaming support duo)? Pit an evasive offlane champ to go against their bot, run a potential aggressive top against their solo top etc and expect some sucess?

    Ова тема је измењена
    Coffee Bean~

      gives them a free dragon early on if you are 2 top
      the creepwave in top will be closer to their turret which might make it hard for the ADC to cs and you cant pull creeps in LoL
      you may be able to zone the offlaner but you will be more vulnerable to a gank why post this on a DoTA forum, mate?

      Овај коментар је измењен
      doc joferlyn simp

        more importantly, why are you able to give logical insights about what is wrong with his proposed idea?

        Pale Mannie


          Defense of Teamplar Assassin? Is that a new mod?

          doc joferlyn simp

            Defense of Teamplar Assassin? What happened to Soloplar assassin?

            Pale Mannie

              got reported going solo against 5 people 60 minutes into the game multiple times