General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm here to beg you!

I'm here to beg you! in General Discussion

    This is game. 4.4k rank game. We won all lanes plus jungle by killing bloodseeker. 3 of their heroes died again and again. Am managed ro escape some ganks and we killed sf in lane as i remember. It was like 10-30. Our carries slark and jugg was really in good shape thanks to kills.

    But we had a problem. Sf travel and am was split pushing especially top. And then suddenly everything gone bad. Neither jugg nor slark was pushing lanes. They did jungle farm instead of pushing lanes. Slark has 2119 jugg has 1799 building damage at the end of game. I even paused game 2-3 times to tell them go push, go rosh or go def top one of you.

    Then we get 2 kills in jungle and 2 of us was low. Me and +1 go base. Btw am was pushing top. So i tped top to def it and am tped back to base. It was only jug and slark pushing bot hg. I told them to go b. They didnt listen and 1 of them died. They did managed to get bot t3. Btw radiant team was 5 alive and rest of us was healing or running to bot.

    After this i saw nothing in chat but those guys didn't fight together again. This was like 14-30 game and we got 2 t2 and 3 t3 alive. They had 2 t2 and 2 t3.

    They went in to shadow blade sf ulti 3-4 times. I mean they saw sf used sb we had no detection and he was away from sentries. They didn't get back instead did nothing for some reason and stay there. Then sf ultied, am came killed jugg, me, et and sk. Mb et or sk didnt died idk. They were 5 in that fight but we didnt had slark. After we died slark came and killed bs+slardar or slardar or bs. I mean he got 1 or 2 kills and died. He pinged that he has bb.

    Jugg hadn't bb and slark used bb and died. Then team went to die 1 by 1 while i was pinging to not go. Saying let mid raxes go and spamming b. Same thing happened again. Sf used his ulti 2nd time. We all saw him used sb but team still go for 1-14 bat and 1-10 slardar. We all died again. When slark was dead we all used bb and they went back. And then they go back. I was talking in the voice chat, typing them to not go and using ping to not to go but sk died left side of Radiant ancient camp. et barely used tp to home. Jugg died araund dire's t1.

    This is all happened in like 10-30 game. 3 of them was completely useless in whole game. We even got 1 or 2 cour kills. But still lost. And Jugg barely has more damge then me. Slark also kinda have +5k hero damage than me.

    So now as i said in post's name i'm begging you guys to find those guys in steam-dota and report him.


      Oh btw there was only 1 rosh kill in that game and am take it after they killed jugg or slark in bot when slark and jug was pushing hg bot.


        tldr; i'm a whiny bitch and i can't handle having a bad game


          Dude i'm looking game stats. In min 23 am-11.4k, slark 11.3k, jugg 9.6k, sf 7.5k net worth they have. At the and, am 26k, sf 23k, slark 16k, jugg 13k. Please explain this to me and i'll shut my mouth up. Only reason should be acc buying or game ruining on purpose.


            so, like you never got a bad game.


              Ggwp,sometime i wss thinking your carry like kill never think to win the game....


                Todays i was 1st ever saw huskar45 min no arm,no hitter item and necro be carry sound funny evet

                PMS Mantra


                  1 Troll
                  1 Intentional Feeder
                  1 Abandon
                  1 Angry Bear
                  1 Migraine incoming

                  See if you can guess who is who.


                    Undying feeder
                    Thinker abbadon


                      Tis week dont play doto better alot monkey come out from junggle playing doto


                        Guys no offense but those are normal skill bracket. My brother is in normal and he does similiar things. He goes crit items for wk-jugg-pa-ck and no attack speed. But i'm talking about 4.4k ranked game. This guys should be acc buyers. So pls report them


                          Why they buy a high level and mmr and play like a shit wtf


                            who'd buy a shitty 4k acc, how delusional this kid is


                              Alot in asian bro even i meet 6kmmr but he play likeca newbie


                                There are ppl buying 4-5-6k accs or making smurfs. Mb even 3k. This is a fact. I think you already know this.


                                  in my thousands of games i probably met like at best 10 acc buyers

                                  looking at the enemy stats, there's no way these guys are buyers

                                  everyone's shit in this game

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                                  PMS Mantra

                                    I'll admit that the Bat's items gave me a giggle. That is a wild item build for that particular hero no matter what bracket your mmr falls under.