General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki pickers are noobs

Riki pickers are noobs in General Discussion
casual gamer

    riki is actually so fun to play lol. active from minute 0


      what is wrong with this kid

      M U R D E R

        This is your first smurf right?

        Would explain why you got into HS without showing any sort of exceptional skill in NS matches - not only did you lose your 1st 2 NS matches, you didnt carry your team at all and built retarded items etc...

        If a highly skilled player was to play riki in normal skill he would carry entire team hard even if playing pos 5. And if you say that riki cant carry you are wrong af

        Овај коментар је измењен

          Just delete this thread, ur embarrassing urself

          Boi Danny

            This thread is awesome. Was fun reading all the stupid comment.