General Discussion

General Discussiondid anybody ever climbed from mid 4k to 5k+ w/o spamming certain heroes

did anybody ever climbed from mid 4k to 5k+ w/o spamming certain heroes in General Discussion



      i've alrdy read sm1 spam UL from 3k -5k , try to search it .


        i said "W/O" spamming certain heroes, try again.

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            spamming is the best way to learn, because you can isolate your mistakes. some mistakes you won't notice if you keep changing heroes and you think it's just because you aren't good at the hero


              im on it


                od god arin wp


                  OD GOD 3K MMR LMAO HAHAH


                    so cookies i assume that you are saying is to spam certain heroes to master them?
                    because what im saying is when you already mastered certain heroes then spam the shit out of them to gain mmr.
                    im asking this because its very hard to climb mmr while picking with 15-20 heroes game depending on the game, rather than picking 3 heroes per role or whatever. i am even starting to avoid carry role now and would rather take support role, because supports here are shit IF there is even a support in the game. im not saying being versitile is bad, its just very hard to win in the 4k bracket because players here are literally bad, and i think the only way is to spam heroes that im actually good at (invoker, tinker, storm, jugg etc) Heroes that have alot of impact in the game even if there is very little communication in the team. Because i really feel i dont belong in this bracket (i stayed in 4,8k for a while and now down to 4,3k).
                    TLDR; i feel that to spam is realistically the best way to climb mmr. just confirming from others.

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                    Yung Beethoven

                      Well. March 2016 i was at 4300mmr. Now i got 5600mmr, with my highest mmr being 5815.
                      I didnt spam any heroes, but i did play a lot of arc warden, thats for sure :D


                        Well i can say that you are one of those outliers but i cant judge because you play in a region which i havent played in yet so who knows.

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                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          I did it multiple times.

                          The cancer that is 4.5-4.8k is fucking unreal.


                            Well I'm sure the cancers in 4k are harder to carry than in 2k (no shit) that you really need to use your best heroes to carry their asses
                            Congrats to people who managed to get to 5k without spamming


                              i just played this game. people here are so fucking bad


                                Can confirm that hero spamming is the best way to improve at dota in my experience. Spammed Jugg to 4.7k, spammed troll to 5.5k, spammed am to 6k and now I will try spamming morphling to 6.5k. When you hero spam you are able focus 100% of your brainpower into improving the non-hero specific parts of the game such as game sense, teamfight positioning and laning phase. This means that even after you stop spamming although you will lose some mmr short term overall your mmr should stay higher as you have been forced to improve the other parts of your gameplay due to playing higher average mmr games with hero specific mechanics mastered.

                                Overall Dota has a lot of moving parts and shit to get good at, if you don't try and keep at least some of them relatively constant unless you are a super genius you are going to have trouble getting better at shit when every game you are still learning how to play your hero competently let alone grasp any bigger picture ideas.

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                                  Spammed Medusa from 1.8k to 5 After i stopped spamming im back at 4k and stucked again.


                                    To summarize it all
                                    You master a hero
                                    You master DOTA2 by spamming the hero you already mastered
                                    Then you'll improve while getting MMR
                                    I've noticed that I only improved abit when I play like 18 different heroes in every 20 games depending on the situation compared to when I spam heroes

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                                      @CTRLXNCTRLV, what he said is true... I was stuck ni the low 4ks for almost a year because I was playing different heroes almost every game and also played too much rubick who ruins my winrate in ranked, then I put these filters in the "heroes" section of my dbuff profile (Ranked matchmaking, very high skill)
                                      And from there I started playing mostly only my top winrate heroes with 65 to 70%, sven or jugger when carry, zeus when mid, void or doom when offlane, bloodseeker or legion when jungle, mirana or riki when roam and cm or disruptor when support (with some exceptions some games ofc). And the reality is that I felt so comfortable playing this heroes in any game that it helped me improve a lot in other aspects on the game and not the specific hero mechanics, in about 2 months I went from 4,4k to 5,3k.


                                        Do u guys first pick to spam? What if ur role is taken? This is an issue in carry infested SEA


                                          i played shit ton heroes between 4k and 5k


                                            I have a problem that i wanna spam but i just cant and i start PICKING WHAT TEAM NEEDS I'm starting spamming and i support everything said above it rly is true.
                                            And @jacked, if u wanna learn the hero, pick instantly in unranked, if u wanna climb with hero, depends on hero. Some heroes (i guess like od) dont have and actual hardcore counter but some will get rekt by some others. So if ur hero is in group1 w8 to pick 4th/last and if not judt instapick


                                              Just have a couple of heroes for the roles you intend to play. When I was lower mmr and not consistently being the highest/second highest mmr in game I made sure that I had a support pick I knew I could play consistently. The main idea to take out of this is not to spam 1 hero blindly, it is just to narrow your hero pool so that when you play a game you aren't struggling to play your character let alone play actual dota.

                                              bum farto

                                                I calibrated about 4.2 and climbed from there peaking at 5.8k, so long ago I can't actually remember.


                                                  For a time i thought u were the same guy as sam peckinpah and u just chaned name and pic :)))) i understood ur not when u said u never reached 6k in ayy lmao

                                                  Sei la

                                                    well, I climbed from 3k to 4k
                                                    in this bracket there are two easier ways to do it:

                                                    1- Hero spam, when you find your good ones.
                                                    2- Protect your idiots. 3k is all about potential without emotional maturity: they are people who start watching pros, still play like low pubs, but brag as if they were pros, refuse to buy wards and prefer to feed/afk than being supp. Usually the team that wins is the one that sticks together, without breakdowns. So, learn how to supp and to keep your team's moral up, pick omni/dazzle/oracle, protect them during team fights and let they do their thing. That's how I got like 600+ mmr before i started hero spamming

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                                                      i just basically spammed a 4th or last pick support
                                                      if have the chance, i picked offlane
                                                      climed from 4.6 to 5.3


                                                        Actually oracle spam is good stuff + warlock in 3-4k


                                                          yeah just like what CTRLXNCTRLV said just pick heroes you are actually good at. Make a list of priority heroes per role to play.