General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden Item Build

Arc Warden Item Build in General Discussion

    What do u guys think whats the proper itemization for Arc Warden

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        Definitely not necro rush, unless you are forced to finish a game in like 30 min.. Midas is still decent, sb with orchid, lightnings, shipstick or dagon and eblade. I don't play that hero but it seems like best core items for him.


          midas -> sb -> orchid -> bloodthorn -> mael -> mjolnir -> hex

          this is my most common build i sometimes upgrade sb to silver edge immidiately before orchid if they have heroes with defensive passive abilities like dk / underlord / ench / tiny. And i might get mael before orchid for heroes like naga meepo or farming / pushing purposes.


            support core items : arcane boots, hurricane pike(u can double push ur ally for chasing enemy)
            mid solo killer/team fight disabler : RoAquilla, boots, hand of midas, shadow blade, bloodthorn, scythe of vise.(late game sell midas for mjolnir, upgrade BoT).
            mid pusher : RoAquilla, BoT, mjolnir, blink dagger, midas(sell at late game), butterfly, bkb

            this is what i learnt from dota 2 professional player.

            Class [S] Rank [7]

              ^the moment i read, i already know its ns

              仙道 "ZL." クリストフ

                midas, necro, dagon, travel, dr dr


                  I like to go this route usually

                  midas , dragon lance , maelstorm, mjollnr / hurricane pike, (get both but it doesnt matter which u get first)

                  and boots of travel,

                  Mask of madness is very good on this hero for pushing waves after you have a few core items already

                  this hero can transition into a good ass carry.. daedelus, moon shard, manta, shivas guard, mkb , bkb, all good items on this hero..

                  Healing salve and mango is 100x Better than bottle or ring of aquila, i dont think this hero needs ring of aquila, wraith band is just fine,

                  ring of aquila pushes him back from all the items he needs, he needs a GOOD start, and he needs to get his items fast , or he can be weak if the enemy comes online too fast'

                  I think some other builds work too but i never tried other builds

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                  Yung Beethoven

                    Ring of aquila is the very first item you need, since arc warden doesn't have much dmg in the beginning of the match. Its easy to deny him creeps, so he needs an attackdmg boost.
                    after that i usually buy brown Boots and then midas.
                    after midas i decide whether i need to be all around the map, because we are fighting all the time (BoT) or i can farm some more (maelstorm). After maelstorm you should buy BoTs if you havent already.
                    I do like dragon lance, but it is not always necessary. After finishing mjolnir you should get some game specific items like: mkb, bkb, linkens, sheepstick etc.


                      roa midas brown SALVE and MANGO for early, perma sustain
                      sb/silveredge > mjollnir/bloodthorn > bloodthron/mjollnir > hex, pike, whatever you reckons needed


                        Arcan boots mekansm and some Wards. Maybe aether lance if games not finished yet.

                        registered flex offender

                          Rod of atos


                            Thnx guys for great answers ;)

                            milk that tastes like rea...



                                Is drum or diffusal worth to get on this hero?unlimited charges seems to be a good reason to get it


                                  It doesn't have unlimited charges btw.

                                  ARC WARDEN


                                      ^ that abandoned match blend in so well lol

                                      btw i dont recommend daedalus because it doesnt work well with bloodthorn and bloodthorn is a core item for arc imo
                                      trust me i tried every combination second mjolnir is better than daedalus

                                      Yung Beethoven

                                        2nd mjolnir is wasted money. you could buy hex instead. or even diffu, dagger, butterfly, mkb etc. There are much better items than a 2nd mjolnir

                                        PMS Mantra

                                          7k way.


                                            @.zaB i meant "even" a second mjolnir is better than daedalus. Not that i recommend a second mjolnir.
                                            And ofc, getting a second mjolnir or any item before hex is just stupid, i was talking about the extra midas slot after hex

                                            ARC WARDEN

                                              yeah abandoned counted as lost even my team win that match.
                                              daedalus change with buttefly, active increase attack speed and movement.