General Discussion

General DiscussionHow people can be so bad?

How people can be so bad? in General Discussion

    Why there are a lot of ppl who have 3.500 matches but they are still in 2-3 k tier? Why they don t improve? Pick timber ez mmr in this patch. Gl

    Boi Danny

      Some of us play for fun


        Bro, ppl like you are the reason of my low mmr. Stop playing doto.

        Boi Danny

          Don't blame others because you bad. If you good you will win.

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          doc joferlyn simp

            i thought op just wanted to point something out

            turns out he wanted to rant

            i like you op


              Nah, I just saw some dota posts assuming that "my teammates sucks, I don t below in this mmr tier" and I just wanted to clarify that it s not hell tier and you guys just suck at this game. Go improve at normal matches then raise your mmr.


                dude u deserve and would be 9k if not for those noobs teammates!

                doc joferlyn simp

                  i believe thats the reason why people play a shitload of games but are still stuck in a rut

                  that attitude condescending people have that makes low skilled people feel bad about themselves is the reason why they cant get better

                  "u r dogshit" "pls uninstall doto and kys", too many negative outlooks and comment about being placed in one tier or another. i myself have received as much flame for being a noob as this danny guy, but lmao i didnt roll over and accept the fact

                  maybe when people get flamed so much just for being bad at the game makes them give up on it, and they dismiss the notion of ever getting better as an unreachable dream bcs other people never failed to remind them of their apparent inferiority

                  its like racism but in a much smaller scale, but has adverse effects nonetheless

                  why does anything matter anyway were just space dust getting blown around by forces we cannot begin to comprehend, no matter how good we think we are or how successful, the dark entropy of space and the never ending ravages of time will get ahold of the whole universe one way or another, so why even bother and worry

                  or maybe they r just really dogshit u decide

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                    You re so right dear Hikarii. I stopped being a toxic player and I got 400 mmr in 3 days.


                      I have like 800 matches but still im 5.3k when i get to 5.8k i go down again very hard to get 6k it just im bad


                        in 2k I got a teammate with 3k games and other with 300 games, and they both were dogshit


                          There's only so much u can learn & improve while playing dota mindlessly. Contrary to what the vhs dota elite on this forum think, dota is really not an easy game. It's complex n would take conscious effort to get better at around 2-3k.

                          Just an example. Like I don't know how many games it would take me, but I sure as hell would not figure out lane equilibrium just by playing more games. I read about it.

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            I used to be a super ultra flamer and think i was too good for my tier when i first started last year. Calibrated 3k flat and thought i was actually good lol dropped all the way to 2.5k that was when i just accepted im just as shit as that tier was, after much hardship and getting flame because of my shitty games here i am with a 5.2k main and 3 smurfs with 4.5k+ yet im still getting flamed haha, dota is a game where every tier you get into theres something new to learn and also the strong eats the weak kinda thing going on, road to 6k i guess....


                              ^ yes usually u start to improve when u realize there's many things you could be better at. Otherwise it is not guaranteed to improve


                                I've been as low as 3.2k and as high as almost 4.4k. I guess I'm just not that good at this game, so I reached my peak.


                                  I am 3 mmr...


                                    Lol how did u do it? 3 mmr and 4k party. Nice juxtaposition there.


                                      I have tendencies to fucked up my self when getting good. for example i get 5 streak win, i have tendencies to win all my games with all heroes. so i pick invoker which is i very bad at playing.

                                      i never spam any hero, and once i spam i rose up high, just like i spam sniper when in sniper era. and straight from 2k to 2.7k

                                      i pick medusa in this patch because i got good set. not because he is good or anything. something like that

                                      if i spam timber and slark i can get 4k easily seriously.

                                      casual gamer

                                        @ OP people love to make excuses for themselves, if they aren't focusing on their play they wont get anywhere


                                          It is all about the mindset you have when you play. Of course if you just play for fun you won't improve much even if you play thousands of games. Even if your mindset is focused on getting better you still have to actually do shit in relation to this, you can't just mindlessly play ranked games the same way you would play pubs and expect to improve just because you want to get better. Getting good at anything is hard and it takes consistent, focused practice rather than just throwing games at the wall to see what sticks.


                                            Shit attitude
                                            People who think they're good (well most of the time they're not) loves to shift their mistakes to their teammates and proceed to blame them, by not knowing their own mistakes they basically won't learn anything from that match (even if they do its only some minor crap) and that process will repeat over and over again
                                            People who just accepts they're trash will find what makes them trash,fix it,and improves much faster than those dense fucktards


                                              Haha, thanks for sharing your opinions guys. Have a nice day !