General Discussion

General DiscussionParty play fun strats

Party play fun strats in General Discussion

    Alright so what are some fun strats you can do with party, don't even have to be game winning but something that would make the other team go wtf

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      oracle + AA


        5 durable heros can be fun. Dive tower at min 1 and stuff


          io + omni


            lvl 1 rosh. Lvl 1 deathball w pugna Lesh n some other heroes

            STE 8-1-8

              blood seeker aghs with bat rider, magnus, disruptor and earth spirit? tiny? Basically the idea is to rupture the target and then use forced movement to kill them, (last pick blood).

              you can do bash strat with void, troll, spirit breaker, slardar, Doom.

              lc, sb, et, luna, enchantress, lesh for movement speed strat.

              viper, bristleback, veno, usra, brew, orge, omni, warlock, lich, aa, pudge, all candidates for the slow strat.

              sven, earthshaker, slarder, et, lesh, magnus, void, jariko, nyx, underlord, sk, techies, alch, enigma and lion can be used for aoe perma-stun. :p

              Or the classic mirana + bane for single target perma stun, throw in a bit of beastmaster and shadow sharman too, maybe a dragon knight :p

              Овај коментар је измењен


                  lycan underlord sf = nuclear warhead
                  treant axe terrorblade necro aa = surprise anal
                  beastmaster ogre lc kotl + [pa or ck] = crit city
                  techies naix (w/ aghs) pudge shadow shaman venge (ward trap venge into swap)= chronic masterbaiters

                  alch rushing aghs for warlock who rushes resto is also interesting. same with some bloodseeker lineups (dp, lesh, pugna, shotgun morph, ursa, etc)


                    The illusion strat is actually cool


                      WW DS alchemist LS pudge
                      Alchemist gives fast agha to LS
                      LS rush radi
                      Pudge rots then assimilates with LS
                      LS infestson ancient creep
                      Ez burning creep


                        Morphling Techies
                        buy scepter on morph for two techies and free suicide


                          Check jimbendoto LS pub strats.


                            Top longest range heroes with dragon lance


                              Brood+howl for silly early game spider damage.

                              Alch and warlock for 4 golems <20mins in

                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                THIS IS LEGIT GAMEWINNING FUN STRAT EVER


                                  the old spectre aa zeus np + 1

                                  Mode adiman


                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                      Go look for meta abuse

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        Or... pick mah nigma and tide, if enemy picks rubick/silencer/both, skill only stats and passives :D


                                          Naga manta morph agha thank me later.