General Discussion

General Discussionthe power of flaming

the power of flaming in General Discussion

    when your team is more concentrated on flaming then on winning this happens

    why do people do this?
    pudge nort and timber flamed for like 50 minutes, what are gonna play better after flaming?


      Well DOTA2 isn't exactly a game that teaches maturity
      Plus its a free game, the bigger the community, the more retard it has


        Some people let all their rage out onto their teammates that they've accumulated during the day. For example they fail their exam, come home very upset and queue for a game of dota. You say the wrong thing and bam they start flaming you, then your entire team.

        Also Dota's so competitive and complex that many people take it really seriously and invest a lot of time in it, to the point where the game just becomes stressful and frustrating and they need to vent somewhere. Or some people are just assholes


          I just want to see one scenario where you flamed someone(not flamed back, but started flaming) in that he started playing better during the game.
          I get when someone points out the mistakes someone made and accuses him of losing the game with it. But the flaming is basicly made around improving the flamers ego and thus makes no sense in a team game.

          The funniest thing during the game was pudge and timber calling out me and sven to be acc buyers, rofl.
          Take a look at pudges profile so I don't spoil anything.

          I guess the system is just punishing me now for a winstreak, it happens all the time.


            Just don't take it personally. Sometimes they flame cuz they r bad n need someone to blame. In such cases u should mute and ignore. In some cases they are right because u r retarded and build a Sven Dagon then u should look at yourself and try to think why they r flaming u. Maybe u really are playing bad.


              I don't take anything personally it just bothers me that they gave away a free win there for no reason whatsoever. The thread was just posted to try to explain flamers that the game won't get better because you took 50% of the time playing to insult one of your teammates.
              Take that time to prepare a smoke gank, secure some objectives or anything.

              If you had a rough day, don't play ranked, if you have a couple of losses and you are tilted, stop playing for that day.


                if u cant handle flame just quit the game..
                its not that you cant do anything against flaming isnt it ? theres mute option.
                flaming is not really that bad compare to feeder or toxic players


                  what exactly is the difference between a flamer and a toxic player?



                      Dota is a toxic place, deal with it.


                        Lately im getting very amused by all the flamers out there. Im on my road back to normal skill, much more fun to play on 2 k than its on 5k :-D

                        Himas Bayabas

                          Just ignore them. Period.