General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to catch up with the game

How to catch up with the game in General Discussion
roshan killerz

    Guys, once the enemy took map control and ur playing carry, what do u do to farm, or still catch up to the game. Lanes aren't safe, going to jungle is suicide, and your entire team is heavily pressured due to the enemy going front then b when they're near base, its hard for the carrys to farm, the enemy heroes do 4 man while creating space for their carry to farm, and once you have regained map control, enemy carry just destroys you and ends the game.


      Well you can't help but starve yourself to death
      Try to join the fight when the enemy tries to take some objectives, I made this mistake alot of times when I started playing, I farmed too much that when I was 4 slotted all my tier 3 towers were gone


        trading deaths/kills while you are at advantage will yield more exp and gold to your team, try to find pickoffs, go smoke as 5, take fights when your opponents are feeling cocky and out of position.

        roshan killerz

          The problem is, its to dark to know the enemys location, supports tht goes to plant wards get killed off and if u dont survive a teamfight u lose all gold even if u survive ur the only one left and thats rlly hard


            Just abandon and go next. Sounds hopeless.


              Buy a Smoke and place wards
              Or you need to 5 man 24/7 but i dont See this working in a pub

              soon 1k

                "Just abandon and go next. Sounds hopeless."

                lol'ed so hard.

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