General Discussion

General DiscussionAui_2000 Drow Ranger - Amazing Build

Aui_2000 Drow Ranger - Amazing Build in General Discussion

    Video posters must be banned aswell as "predict my mmr" subhumans . Go to the reddit and post ur shits there


      2-1-4-1 hurts my eyes lol why not 3-3-1-1 or 4-2-1-1 or 2-4-1-1, I'll never understand the maxing aura early game.


        I predict dragonlance will be nerfed next path


          My eyes are bleeding. Nice shitposting though scrub

          M U R D E R

            rly i dont understand why its bad to max aura early game. +40 dmg to potentially all teammates might as well win you all lanes


              this build has been around for ages. u can do it on drow and also on luna
