General Discussion

General DiscussionCourier upgrade vs brown boots

Courier upgrade vs brown boots in General Discussion

    So the blog says the courier upgrade is more important than a support getting boots.

    Anyone disagree? Me the scrub always considered boots more important to help me run away/to trouble.


      always up cour first lol... you know why your team lane sometimes is bad? like 6-7 tower destroyed? because no one upp cour !!!


        As long as you know you can buy boots before 10 min, so upgrading the courier before getting your brown boots is fine. You can easily get gold for boots just by pulling or roam and getting a kill


          Always up the chick first. Your mid will benefit greatly plus you can get your boots later on without impacting you helping your carry. If you're positioned well you wouldn't need to run away from trouble.


            Courier is more important. You should nearly always upgrade it at the 3 minute mark. If they have any invis heroes who might try snipe the courier then definitely upgrade it at 3 min.


              I only upgrade courier after I get boots of travel as a support , saves money on tp's in the long run .


                How many seconds difference is upgraded vs non-upgraded courier, say traveling from fountain to mid?

                plz do

                  ^ dunno the difference, mb it makes 2k difference in skill though.


                    See, this is the kind of shit people should've told me already. Thanks all.


                      keep in mind that both in competitive dota and in higher mmr matches the courier is always upgraded at 3:00


                        Make the other support do it


                          hahaha kryptnyt, you funny guy! everyone knows there's only one support per game!


                            You can always justify another hero as a support somehow.

                            casual gamer

                              i always up the courier first lol

                              delaying crow is just a disadvantage for ur whole team

                              games are won and lost from ppl not getting items on time


                                What? There's absolutely no need to get a courier until around 6 min when everyone starts realizing they can't get their items.


                                  Jacked dankest memer ayy


                                    It matters more the higher the MMR of the game.

                                    Full Давай

                                      You don't need boots to smoke gank mid