General Discussion

General DiscussionCjfksk im pissed i should make a thread about it

Cjfksk im pissed i should make a thread about it in General Discussion

    Waht is this sht we got meepo chen dusa and we fuckin are ahead dusa dont get refresh we lose 75min game ofkgjgjej

    Plz ease my pain by saying i played well even when u didnt see me play
    (examle: oh so much healing wp)


      oh so much healing wp No kappa.


        Omg u said no kappa that means a lot i feel so much better already

        Hanamichi Sakuragi

          nice highest assists gj man


            Ohhh yessaaaaa gimmi dem complements kreygasm

            casual gamer

              no aghs smh

              doc joferlyn simp

                take a note from the dazzle's book, youve got similar gpms but youve got relatively nothing


                    man i get your items on chen on 25-30 min mark

                    btw forget chen on Normal skill

                    Its frustrating to play this hero under 4.5 k mmr

                    casual gamer

                      im 99% sure chen is a noob crusher and nobody can stop the rape train at 3k

                      this hero has huge winrate in the hands of skilled players and is huge impact at all stages of the game