General Discussion

General DiscussionForever 2.1-2.3 need help

Forever 2.1-2.3 need help in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    I can play every role almost every heroes but may be my bad luck to met support doesn't buy ward and always farm carry.

    Should I move to Australia or Japan for escaping toxic SEA where I play at least 95%

    casual gamer

      Behavior: Passive
      POST MANA INCREASE: 20 / 40 / 60
      2X CAST CHANCE: 40% / 50% / 60%
      3X CAST CHANCE: 0% / 20% / 25%
      4X CAST CHANCE: 0.0% / 0.0% / 12.5%

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        Preap Sovath

          @Mekarazium which heroes do you mean?

          If means the heroes who I picked more than 20 matches and having win rate less than half because forced to pick or try to counterpick.

          I accept that my top 3 heroes isn't useful except Riki. When I try to pick Techies. 4 of them tell me not and my Arc isn't good as 6.86 era even no Divine.

          casual gamer

            antimage is not ur hero


              I know this thread is similar to mine and i have the same prob, but i dont think the sever matters, in every region there will be always toxic players, op we just have to deal with it and get good at the game

              Preap Sovath

                @JDF8 I agree that I bad as him whenever I feed or I MVP. I used to play him as support when my team is all carry heroes.

                Even SF who thinks I feel sucker seems better than Auntie Mage.


                  i tell u when im out on this 2k bracket.


                    2k-3k same shit played with 5-6k players they won dispite me feeding hard and failing

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                      git gut