General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff x opendota

Dotabuff x opendota in General Discussion

    Why my stats are different on those 2? 37/16 here, 33/15 there.
    Thanks :-)


      either you're blind or idk


        Why don't you look through and see which ones are missing? It'll be something to do with abandons.


          Well, dotabuff does work like steam, abandons wise, after 5 min= stats recorded. Dunno how it might be there. But now I can see it's same again. I think it had something to do with the MMR estimate, where the number of games was 9, for some reason. Now it's fine.

          Cookie, btw, could you help me a bit? I watched some of your videos on youtube :) I am kinda struggling when playing e.g. Terror to be sure whether am I facing illusion or not and it's holding me back. One of games I remember I could just Fiend's Grip him while farming ancients but I was like "that would be too dumb from him to do so with the main" Boom, his ulti came through, ez kill.. :)) Any tips? Thank you!


            after fb I mean* dunno what's that 5 min rule for, and where did I get it. Mby just getting mad from too much gaming.


              single target heroes are pretty bad vs illusion heroes.

              so a bane's job isn't to focus a terror in a teamfight, leave that to the aoe on your team.

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                Tbh, I really love those which can snipe the illusions by 1 spell, like lion. But sometimes you can't just choose one :-)
                Thanks anyway.