General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage

Visage in General Discussion

    What do you think about this hero?

    Hanamichi Sakuragi

      Needs a buff on his 1st.
      He is a good hero that can get kills easily in the right hands (the same way as Meepo does)
      Can split push hard. Whether as support or carry.
      Falls off late game, because he has no skills that scale off and that's why he needs a buff on his 1st.
      Buff his Aghs into 4 familiars cause 2x2 = 4 and Warlock Aghs 1x2 = 2.
      Enjoyable, fun hero.
      Deserves cosmetics/sets.


        Make his familiars have the ability to blink back to vissage like the bear of ld.
        Visage needs a buff most definitely


          ye, this hero need a buff, not the familiar i think. Cause if visage paired with drow, it can explode. lol. Really deserve cosmetics/sets.
          blink back? then familiar is unkillable i guess. stone form. then blink back.


            There are too many DOT skills at the moment that ruin Gravekeeper and make him too squishy imo.


              or just reduced his ults cd. He does need cosmetics, but so does other heroes like jakiro.

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              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                Oh yeah, the stone form = available blink is a good idea.


                  Replace his ulti with his old ulti - create up to 6 gargoyles from enemy corpses. Means instead of his ultimate being something which is incredibly hard to micro and which becomes useless once any ranged enemy carry has a dragon lance and one attack speed item into an easy to use, constantly useful even in the lategame ultimate.

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                    u got the point rocket. 15 damage for 1 layer is ridiculous.
                    never play visage with his old ult, but i think that's would be a good buff for visage.


                      An aghs buff to 4hits per gargoyle would do the job for the gargoyles

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                        casual gamer

                          hes pretty good

                          reddit is 90% 3k support players, which makes me lose iq whenever they actually talk about dota


                            hmm, spamming visage for 1,5 month and got 1 k boost on my mmr. in 2 k bracket, they didn't know about this hero potential. but stuck in 2,8-2,9. Maybe u can give more advice or share your thought to other how tho play this hero better JDF8?


                              visage is balanced, people dont know how to play him and against him


                                Jack pls I can also try to spam naga or any unpopular heroes and get easy MMR
                                Visage need a slight buff to be back in the actual meta (anything can work in NS so our experience in the bracket isn't the objective truth)


                                  Do you think it would be too much to buff his Base magic resist from 10% to the normal 25%?

                                  casual gamer

                                    ^ yes rofl way too much

                                    stop trying to get this hero fucking buffed, hes fine, familiars are still strong and annoying, hes still super strong in 3v3 lanes and has a ton of playmaking potential

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Eh I always thought his move speed sucks really badly and he kind of needs initial setup from others. I'd say a +10 move speed buff would be perfectly fine, nothing more. Maybe up the dmg threshold on gravekeepers cloak to like 50.


                                        Lol, I've never played Visage and barely see him so I wasn't sure about the magic resist buff. It just really bugs me that he has non-standard magic resistance. Meepo too! Bring that down to 25% so it stops bugging me :P

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          Visage is awesome, not many people play him, when they do, they usually know what they are doing. People do not know how to play against him. And he is a very unlikely pick, so he can counter pick pretty easily since no one goes into a match thinking "I hope the enemy does not pick Visage" since he is very unpopular.

                                          Great pesky hero deserving of a small buff nonetheless.


                                            Biggest challenge with him is to get your early levels. You really need to find your six at about the same time as the carries otherwise your ganking feels very lacklustre.

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                                              I think fuck that hero make him dead forever

                                              Mao Xina

                                                He need complete rework in q and e.


                                                  his spells arent synergic enough, idk why this passive exist its useless and birds needs something more either range or +1 click to die like before they nerfed or idk


                                                    Visage doesn't need a buff?
                                                    his Q and his W synergize with familiar. but his passive? there is a lot DOT hero, introduction of echo sabre, melee attack range increased, sniper buff with more vision + dragon lance. Whoa, his passive still the same and some people call visage a durable int hero? lol
                                                    this hero is not nerfed but item and other hero buff make visage nerfed. thats what i tought. ye, his q and e need rework.

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