General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does my riki winrate in vhs suck compared to my bh

Why does my riki winrate in vhs suck compared to my bh in General Discussion
pls dont let the celtikkk...

    54.17% Winrate on bh (24 games) , while 44.83% on Riki (29 games).

    Seriously. I need help on this hero.

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    doc joferlyn simp

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      straight outta utube

      srsly fix the links bro no one gon open up that shit themselves

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      Story Time

        statistically speaking, the number of games played on both heros is too low to start talking about the win rate here


          1. Instead of tranquils + aquila try to check phase boots + drums instead. Phase + Aquila or Treads + Aquila. Regeneration from tranquils is not worth anything if you are out of mana anyway which riki is out of after every battle in early game (Roaming riki is fountain junkie, get used to it).
          2. Max invisibility instead of smoke first, fade time on lvl 1 is just too big. You can try to mix something like Invis lvl 3 and smoke lvl 2 but never ever smoke lvl 4 at 7.
          3. starting items always: oov, tango, sentry. When midder is picking his first bounty, block mid creeps instead trying to die on second bounty. If you start blocking mid creeps from between T3 and T2 creeps would probably meet on your HG which gives much more mid punish potential.
          4. Never make echo sabre until you understand why you should buy it. Its rarely good pickup. 2650 gold for +15 dmg during ultimate is too fucking much. Slow you already have from diffusal which you must make anyway. The reason why riki is so good now is his ultimate (late game scaling) which echo sabre have nothing to do with.

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          M U R D E R

            Yep tranquils+echosabre is so fucking bad in most cases imo and the reason why you lose probly.

            From what i know its pretty good to do phase aquila blight stone straight to diffusal, u can skip aquila if you can take those blades of alacrity instead for faster diffusal.

            Oh and urn+raindrops are a thing xD

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              cuz ur riki is dogshit?

              Dire Wolf

                You're 13-11 vs 13-16. That's not a huge difference tbh. If you win three riki games in a row you're back at 50%. If you lose a couple bh games you're at 50%. 45-55 is only a big difference when you've played hundreds or thousands of games. Like when people look at omni and say he's op, 60% win rate, for an individual this is nothing. It's over a gigantic group scale where it becomes significant.

                But bh is easier to pull off. If you ult everyone and your team wins fights they snowball to victory off all that gold. I won't say bh is an easy hero to play, but you can play him at the most basic level of just roam and join fights with ult and be super effective.


                  Dire Wolf++. BH is so easy that actually all you need to know is what items to build and how to skill him (eg. Shuriken over Jinada and utility over one hit BH).
                  With riki there is a lot of stuff that you need to feel for example Smoke Screen can be poorly landed, proper order during diffusal smoking. He can dodge a lot of shit coming at him with ultimate, blink out from dust troubles and so on. Sometimes 0.2s difference on clicking 'R' button can be difference between dead riki and riki with double kill (especially vs heroes which ganks hard like slardar, LC, bara, Tide)


                    Riki actually has a decent skillcap while bounty is.... you know


                      Because if u fuck up at least your team gets gold


                        Echo sabre is a decent early pickup not for the 15 dmg. It gives strength which riki needs way too squishy, and mana regen. I never go aquila or drums or pms or shit on riki. Think abt it u run outta slots so quick. 1. Oov 2. Tp 3. Boots(phase) 4. Sentry/gem 5. Urn/aquila/drums(midgame item) 6. Diffusal/echo (2nd real item. Basically u run out mad quick, no space for wand or pms, and then u need to start selling shit at 20 min. Throw in a raindrop and even more item slot cramping.


                          Plus echo slow in smoke is decent. Also echo is slightly bugged and slows in ulti multiple times. Adds burst. I go phase urn echo diffusal skadi. Basically late game all on-hit items r dank. Its rlly funny when they gank u and u pop satanic and full heal.


                            ^lul. Normal skill

                            M U R D E R

                              You sell/stash oov as you get your diffusal, so there is no real slot issue for him in midgame unless you buy quelling blade.

                              If youre just looking for strength when you buy echo sabre, you are MUCH better off with an ultimate orb instead. On the other hand echo sabre is essential if you need to kill squishies extremely fast... which is often the case as a force staff out of smoke leaves you vulnerable assuming you didnt bash the guy yet.

                              And even in 3k+ ppl start spamming force staffs against you.

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                                But only VHS 1337 sikrit club members can look down on NS


                                  Jacked is blue star player who post under cover of 1k scrub to make lulz from people who are reffering to his mmr instead of discussion topic.


                                    And I assume you are jacked because you know about it?


                                      Man i have only one account which remember times when I was building Daedalus on anti mage :D


                                        Guys. What's the first rule of fight club?


                                          You just violated it.


                                            I also had them lol
                                            And the games where I fed hard with any hero except void, I only fed tolerably with him xd


                                              I don't bother with echo simply because it delays diffussal to much . I don't build Aquila either but it's cheap enough that I wouldn't mind building it . I think I'll actually try out Aquila over upgrading my boots to see if it's worth it . Anyways morale of the story is get diffussal asap. I personally only buy pms oov , and power treads before diffussal . I've done echo several times before and it's just too expensive delaying diffusssal too much .