General Discussion

General Discussionjugg spam?

jugg spam? in General Discussion
360 AWP no SCOPE

    for boosting from 1.5 k to 2k?
    is it good?


      Yeah, it's a good carry really, as long as your comfortable with that hero, why not right?
      And in gaining mmr just spam 1 role 1-2 heroes ez pz

      Bojack Horseman

        spam spec


          spam slarkiboy

          doc joferlyn simp

            slark and jugg are the best heroes to spam to make your way to 3k lmfao

            i myself used zeus/sf/am for going up to 2k, jugg/slark for where i am now. still a work in progress but hey, its something

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              it doesn't matter what you pick


                does not matter really

                doc joferlyn simp

                  once again cookie not all of us are 5k material as soon as we play, we need some sort of guideline in the form of a hero or a strat

                  a thing that can help us improve a lot faster compared to if doing random shit on a daily basis

                  we arent skilled enough to win consistently with a bfury sk, but we are going to get there using tried and true methods, like spamming a certain hero in order to learn most of the role we are trying to get into


                    The lower the mmr is the longer games will last = go for ultra late carry like dusa spec morphling

                    Mary Poppins

                      Spam one hero so when you get highter mmr you can't play because in reality you suck ? Idk i'm bad a doto but I think spam an good hero in low rank is the worst thing to do ?

                      1k mmr spam riki then, they don't know dust, sentry or gem anyway. Farm the hero with fast diffu & pt, enjoy the basher and butterfly.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        you dont spam for the hero itself, you spam the hero for the knowledge and skill you gain when you spam that hero in a certain role. for example sven will help you learn efficient use of mechanics (cleave placement, creep stacking, cast times) and teamfight decision making (whether it is worth it to pop god's str or you can secure the kill without it, which hero to target, when you jump in). spamming meepo gives more micro skills (for obv reasons) and development of your ability to assess the map (you are placing yourself in peril every time you splitfarm making you less attentive to each group of meeps you need to learn to understand and evaluate your options when splitting). ck farming patterns (no innate ability to farm even though has crit) and logical resource management (pop ult for tower push or save for potential teamfight, and which heroes to prioritize since you are mana starved and thus have a cap on how many times you can cast). this is only a few from the top of my head just wanted to say what i think

                        casual gamer

                          spam any hero honestly


                            True^^The thing i learn from slark is timing,efficiency and projectile dodging.Im just ns so its a BIG improvement to me.

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            casual gamer

                              slark is awesome and also one of the easiest heroes to 1v9 imo

                              jugg is good too tbh

                              360 AWP no SCOPE
                                Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                  Just spam heroes you are most comfortable with, if that includes jugg, why not?
                                  You'll notice your mistakes easier, and will improve faster than playing 20 different heroes in 20 different matches

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    With jug be versatile with your item builds, build the things that is the best for the scenario
                                    Example: in your last game, SE would've been amazing to wreck BB and centaur because they have great passives


                                      Jugg is loser hero


                                        i spammed tinker from 2500 to 4200 so is ppsible with any carry hard or midd


                                          It doesn't matter if he is a loser hero or not
                                          What matters is the guy who's picking him
                                          Heroes don't matter in NS
                                          Only skill does


                                            Jugg is hilaroius supp in late game just put healing ward to keep ur ally healed during teamfight while pushing towers. Its like tarrasque ward cuz of healing based on %-age of max health. Then u carry ur game with op omnislash that has a rampage potential...


                                              Always, always buy aghs and refresher on jugg in normal skill. U will delete a few heroes who don't bother buying anything to counter your ult. then u just win the fight. Seriously it's broken.


                                                If someone is clever how to counter jugg he would pick shadow demon and he can disrupt himself or ally if get omnislashed...


                                                  I just spam void cuz he is good against slark spammers lol. Get a diffusal and bloodthorn and watch the shitty fish try and crawl away. Plus early slark jungle farming keeps him low, usually u can kill him with smoke + chrono while he is doing that.


                                                    And aghs on jugg is shit even 1k shitters (unless peruvian) will (usually) buy euls and/or ghost scepter in which case diffusal will do so much more for u.


                                                      Agh is too risky and not worth the gold
                                                      Rather than hoping the enemy is retarded enough to eat all the slash, build universally useful things like diffusal, yasha, etc


                                                        Yo daddy hi 5 man void for life


                                                          If you think about it omnislash is the worst jugg spell
                                                          You can't fucking stop a spinning jugger hitting your tower without enough damage
                                                          You can't fucking destroy healing ward against a competent jugg without overcomitment
                                                          Crit is crit
                                                          Omnislash only deals like 200 damage before the enemy pops their eul, or GS, or lotus orb, or just simply run to a creep wave, while in reality in the same amount of time you could've dealt like 400 damage right clicking your enemies


                                                            Then omnislash is used for escape nuking tools. Give em desolator or solar crest and watch em cry like a retard