General Discussion

General Discussionitem on od

item on od in General Discussion

    I saw od on octarine core wondering if od octa is good or not:
    450 hp(makes you fatter)
    450 mana Plus 40.5 pure damage on arcane orb
    25 int (almost as good as shivas)
    Spell life steal
    Faster blink pike ult astral
    If ult deals 1000 damage(100 diff int) you will heal 250 hp. If arcane orb deal 200 you will heal 50 hp.
    Veil of discord
    I dont know why this item is good
    6 armour which is quite huge
    6 6 agi damage for sustain
    12 int for damage
    6 hp regen

    doc joferlyn simp

      fatter =/= tankier

      fatter means having more farm compared to another player

      i think the word you are looking for is "tankier", which is used to describe a hero who is hard to take down

      just wanted to put that out here


        octarine gives a lot of dmg and sustain

        M U R D E R

          I once got carried (by that i mean the guy kill everyone and game end)by 2x OC 2x Moon OD. So dunno seems nice.


            My own def on fatter is more hp but no armour. Tankier means good balance on ho and armour. Dunno my own opinion on definition.
            OD can seems op if he is not controlled(stun as slow).so od has like hot by 2 oc and 2 ms. Or maybe the same hp regen like 2 hot. But if they can controll you just go this item build pike>oc>bkb>ms

            Potato Marshal

              It is but it's usually a very late 5th or 6th item. It gives a massive amount of int and mana, plus you can lifesteal off your orb while lowering cooldown of your ultimate and imprisonment. The problem is that none of those things are really a first priority for OD. OD needs a way of chasing and escaping while also being able to hit others without being chain disabled, once you get stuff like hurricane pike and/or blink, only after that should you be focusing on damage and tank items. Even then, you should be prioritizing at least one attack speed item like moon shard before considering getting octarine.

              Veil was popular for a while on some heroes like OD and Silencer back when it gave more int, but nobody really gets it on them anymore once they nerfed that, your main source of damage is your orb which is pure damage which doesn't get amplified by veil.

              casual gamer

                stacking 1 item is usually a terrible idea


                  What if i need to fight kiteable hero like sven or ursa and my team can kite pretty heavily with sd and pudge then should i go the normal item or go pike > octa>bkb>moon shard against hero that deals a lot of damage like ursa should i make hp item like octa or armour item like shiva.

                  casual gamer

                    my reaction to dealing with a hero like ursa is usually not to stack physical ehp, it is to get bkb and shit like pike / shivas / linkens so i can kite him around

                    casual gamer

                      anyway iirc the OD build is still pike blink bkb -> sheep/shiva/MS