General Discussion

General Discussionneed help in becoming a better timbersaw player

need help in becoming a better timbersaw player in General Discussion

    so im finally gonna do it, imma try going for 4k by mainly playing timbersaw. i think timbersaw is my best hero rn, so i think that if i wanna get 4k in the shortest time possible, im better off using my best hero and 2-3 other heroes that will compliment with timber (zeus and AM in my case, though im thinking of adding another hero)

    anyway as i said, i need help in becoming a better timber player, but tbh im not really sure what to improve on at this point. i can win most of my lanes providing its not something retarded like a drow/kotl or sky/lion, but after the laning phase i feel like it's the weakest part for me. im also confused as to what i should generally do at this time period.

    about itemization, i dont have much problems with it, but i almost never go blink. i feel like it's a redundant item on timber, idk why i should get this over euls. here are my games for reference:

    EDIT: i also want to become flexible in laning so i want to try mid timbersaw too. any tips on that will be appreciated

    as for climbing, tbh 4k seems impossible rn given my priorities and number of games i can play per day, so im planning to go one small step at a time. rn im just aiming for 3.2k (high skill bracket)

    Ова тема је измењена

      As a fellow timbersaw user, make me proud alice. As for tips after laning stage, try to push the towers with your team and farm up your bloodstone asap. Euls is item I get always after bloodstone. its such a good item. Never liked blink.
      As for mid timber, i picked it if im against a melee hero mid like alche.

      take my advice with a grain of salt since im just a low 4k. anyways glhf
      EDIT: NOT low 4k anymore xD even won the game with timbersaw:

      Овај коментар је измењен

        blink shines when u r playig against excellent players, so its perfectly fine to skip it in pub games in most cases.

        do u play timbersaw off only, or mid timbersaw, too? EDIT nvm, cant read, sry.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          regarding the itemization topic, yours one is kinda shit. its not THAT bad to go for same items every game, although its obviously highly suboptimal; but the problem is, ur default item progression is actually pretty weird.

          euls outside of 0 ping LANs is never a default item on timbersaw. besides that, its super skill-rewarding aka dont get it unless it ideally fits ur match (silences, omnislash, or w/e else this shit works great against) or you are 5-6-7-8k and u need it for at least some purpose.
          dont get poor mans shield, it lost its value after the passive buff. the marginal utility of the shield upgrade decreased.
          shivas is good but sometimes lotus is better; or eventually u can skip both if needed.
          consider aghs right after bs, its good in pub games.
          glimmer is great if you are kinda behind and ur opponents dont buy dusts on a daily basis.
          i see u purchasing pipe eventually, its a very useful item.
          timbersaw is one of the best hex carriers in the game, and i dont see u getting this item at all.

          also blaidmail works fine in difficult situations.

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            I'll be sure to pick drow and kotl if I ever see u in my lane.

            And good luck to high skill

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            Super Speed Snail

              Well, if timber is your main hero to ranking, then you just need to have "off-hand" or "back up" hero in case enemy picks those counters you have mentions.

              Its an advice from someone in this forum that I get when I'm deciding to main a hero for ranking spamming.

              From the heroes you mention, ursa/PA can quickly decimating those hero in 3k bracket which is the heroes that have same role as timber.

              The role that I was talking about is the core heroes that trying to gain early advantage and snowball from there.

              Овај коментар је измењен

                at one point in time i think i went for bloodstone blink aghs sheep but people told me shivas was core because i needed some base armor before going into fights because i dont start fights with max out passive stacks and i should only get sheep if im playing utility + i could get euls over this

                also yeah my progression is so damn weird sometimes i go bot right after bloodstone if i feellike i can just put global presence (similar to tinker) but most of the time i go euls into pipe/bot/shiva. tbh idk what a proper item progression for timbersaw is in a case-by-case basis so i just follow a general progression that seems to work for me. if you could, can you expand as to why my progression bad? i appreciate tho that you already added items that i can add to my build and which items to cut but idk what to prioritize like where exactly does sheep fit into this, etc

                also i still dont get why euls isnt a default item, is it because it gives redundant stuff to timber (mana regen, unneeded int) except for the cyclone? well i for one just get euls for cancelling tp's and i feel like its really good in teamfights because it acts like a mini doom not to mention that its cheap. are you suggesting that i should build euls less and build it only in specific situations (against dispellable silences or something idk)

                and yeah about pipe i usually dont upgrade it instantly. sometimes there are games where i feel like spending the extra gold so that my teammates benefit from the magic shield isnt needed yet and this is mostly if i get a 25 min hood-eul-bloodstone or something

                back to the item progression topic. since you just said that euls isnt a default item most of the time and blink isnt really needed against baddies, would you suggest getting blink after bloodstone (or later than that) or ditching both completely? what item progression/s should i generally remember in my games?


                  god damn that was long >_>


                    bumpza i need answers plEaseee