General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone explain to me how my 3k best friend calibrated at 4.5

Can anyone explain to me how my 3k best friend calibrated at 4.5 in General Discussion
dead (his dotabuff)
    I'm soo salty, I mean how did he do it? Can anyone tell me why? i get that he improved alot when he made his smurf, but how can a 3k calibrate to 4.5. Did he cheat the system? I know this thread probably deserves a "K", you guys might say I have crab mentality, or have a high ego, but Im happy for him even though he is being an arsehole about it. But I am genuinely curious does he deserve it..or the mmr calibration system srewed up.


      he was already in the 4.5k bracket for the full duration of his account

      all he did is play normally in his 10 games, maintained his avg and didn't go up nor down.

      so acc starting mmr was 4.5 at first ranked match, he played on the same averages as his teammates and maintained the mmr

      that acc was made 8 months ago, seems like he improved during that time

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      doc joferlyn simp

        he sucked gaben's dick

        y u so salty anyways you're already 4.5k

        he just one of those dudes that get off to mmr, but you on the other hand really does have skill

        id be okay with that, being happy for his 4.5k calib, be consoling when he drops back down while i have gain a few hundred mmr more bcs i deserve my mmr


          @cookie, His first 5 games where 4.2-4.3 average(lost most of it, even fed), Im just surprised that he managed to get to 4.5k, I wouldn't be so salty if he wasn't being an ass about it.
          But anyways thnx for your answer cookie.
          @haffy, after he calibrated, he was such an ass man, im still happy for him, and yet soo salty. Anyways good luck on your climb in mmr.

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          doc joferlyn simp

            ty lmao 2-0 right now


              it doesn't matter if you win/lose a game in calibration

              all that matters is how you perform

              example, during my experiment i had games where i lost, but i gained +200-300 mmr during calibration matches


                @cookie, but its not fair :C, i tryharded to get from 4.1 to 4.5, yet he just got 4.5 easily. well watever no point being a whiny biatch,
                ill just do my best to get to 5k before him :)


                  yoo about the crab mentality thingy (kinda off topic i know)

                  since youre pinoy its no wonder you're feeling that way, i think its a natural part of our lives (to our dismay)

                  but what i do to counteract this is that i just try to be as honest in front of my friends as possible; if i feel bitter to them about something i'll tell it to them outright just to prevent me from feeling shit all over this "crab mentality" thing

                  it's kinda relieving too rofl


                    @alice, yeah, told him straight up that I was happy for him also told him was somewhat salty about it, aslo told him stop being an ass about it. After a few jokes and laughs, we went to go drink (2x2 and c2 solo & redhorse for washing) soo all is well.
                    EDIT: dat timbersaw spam xD, glhf climbing mmr

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                      as much as i hate spamming, i cant play a lot of games so im trying to make the most out of it xD

                      anyway good for you both, i often get regarded as a "sarcastic asshole" because of this, but i pretty much prefer that rather than subconsciously thinking of dragging them down, brutal honesty keeps me as straight as an arrow i guess (plus theyre pretty much used to it now)


                        I prefer a friend being brutally honest, since those friends can be trusted, rather than someone pretending to be happy yet deep down they want you to fail.


                          why are you salty man
                          didn't you also cheated your way to 4k when you smurfed? XD


                            @bws, hahah, well you got me there xD. atleast im not like the spooderman guy who dropped 400mmr when he calirabted to 4.5


                              I also prefer being taunted and treated as a trash face to face rather than being stabbed in the back by some fake as fuck "friend"
                              I've experienced enough shit to differentiate true friends, playmates, and fake fucks


                                One of my friend said
                                "You feel like you have more prestige when you grinded your main up from shit tier to decent one, I want to experience that instead of cheating my way to the top"
                                props to him although he's not that good at both academic and gaming (I feel like he's slightly jealous of me for some reason)

                                NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                  Look at my smurf ...i get vhs after 5 games what is 3.7k+ mmr..and on myin i just recently started playin vhs after 1.4k games


                                    maaaan smurfing feels like a huge waste of time

                                    you're stuck playing 100 games of normal matches and even just one normal match automatically turns me into an idiot my lorrrd


                                      It is actually, looking back now, i should have just continued playing my main acc. Playing those 100 normal games were cancerous xD

                                      NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                        Its not waste of time...sometimes u need one or two games to play without pressure of mmr climbing

                                        NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                          Only problem on smurf account is first 20 games because your chat is muted :D


                                            yeah i can just press "normal match" on my main acc and i'd only wait for 3 mins or so instead of spending another 3 mins to create a new account

                                            or i could just play some retarded single player game

                                            for me the only ABSOLUTE reason to smurf is when youre 9k and your queues are so damn long that theyre longer than your games alr

                                            Kaeru カエル

                                              Im that friend and im 4.6 now HAHAHAHAHA. EEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                                                OKITNAM, FUQ YOU, URAY 4.6 KAN SIYAK LADTA TI ag FIRST NGA 5K,

                                                you guys see his bravado, such an asshole
                                                kys denver

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                                                  Fight him?


                                                    Lol. Hes stomping 4.6k. 3k>4.5k?


                                                      FUq him,

                                                      Kaeru カエル

                                                        LMAO HAHAHAH the race to 5k is real make sure you watch me reach it OKITNAMET AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

                                                        OKITNAM, FUQ YOU, URAY 4.6 KAN SIYAK LADTA TI ag FIRST NGA 5K,
                                                        im 4.6 now HAHAHAHAHA. EEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
                                                        you guys see his bravado, such an asshole
                                                        kys denver

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          FUCK YOU, LOSER pays 1 BUCKET OF BEER, no pusirino you fucboi

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            Haha raped :D

                                                            Kaeru カエル

                                                              YOU STARTED IT HAHAHAHAHA. SURE 1 beer ah redhorse the i like hahahahahahaha

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                fuck you, YOUR the one who started it, you toxic arse,
                                                                bring it on fucboi
                                                                EDIT: remember when we raced to 4k? I beat you then, and I will beat you now

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                                                                    still just 4k scrub.



                                                                        i guess the 2nd "DOTABUFF MMR RACE TO 5K" just started ROFL LMAO

                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                          calibration for 4ks has been broken for the entirety of the system's existance, why do u think 4k-5k is the most cancerous bracket? it is even advertised on boosting websites that the duration taken to boost your account to 5k from 4k is uncertain and varies. under-performing shitstains every game, literally worse than 3ks.



                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              I played a handful of games in 4k on a friend's acc, and I won all of them. One game we had a 2-12 mid alchemist but luckily the other team had 0-15 slardar and 1-14 slark or some shit like that. I played omni and was supporting safelane jugg who just kept killing everyone and pushing pretty much by himself with me slightly behind just in case he needs help.

                                                                              I don't see people with scores like that in 3k unless they majorly fuck something up, or feed on purpose, but it didn't really seem to phase other 4k players, it actually seemed like they were used to that kind of shit, the only person who didn't flame teammates in our team were I and jugg, I think he muted everyone and just played his own thing and went on to solo win the game, my contribution was pretty much making sure he doesn't die and that's about it.

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                IS VHS AND HS a different range for ranked and unranked? Because I saw the guys account and from the time he has been stable in vhs in his normal games, he has a 49 percent winrate on vhs up to his calibration stage. He still comes out with a 4.2k average game on is first calibration game??


                                                                                  I played a handful of games in 4k on a friend's acc, and I won all of them. One game we had a 2-12 mid alchemist but luckily the other team had 0-15 slardar and 1-14 slark or some shit like that. I played omni and was supporting safelane jugg who just kept killing everyone and pushing pretty much by himself with me slightly behind just in case he needs help.

                                                                                  I don't see people with scores like that in 3k unless they majorly fuck something up, or feed on purpose, but it didn't really seem to phase other 4k players, it actually seemed like they were used to that kind of shit, the only person who didn't flame teammates in our team were I and jugg, I think he muted everyone and just played his own thing and went on to solo win the game, my contribution was pretty much making sure he doesn't die and that's about it.

                                                                                  because those are first time smurfs who somehow miraculously got into vhs and had no idea what to do, lmfao.
                                                                                  or 1-2ks acc buyer dunno.


                                                                                    @Tasaina ☭ tol, patingin ng first account ng kaibigan mo.
                                                                                    yung 3k??


                                                                                      @ScareCrow, I might have exaggerated when i said he was a 3k shiter, he sold his main acc a long time ago anyway. His main peaked at 3.9 mmr