General Discussion

General DiscussionLEGIT BETTER THEN 1.6K MMR

LEGIT BETTER THEN 1.6K MMR in General Discussion

      You should be 500 mmr


        let's see ---

        leveled spells before u needed them?
        ruining ur pa's farm when she could easily farm that bot lane and u can farm their jung?
        didnt buy ur boots at side shop when u were two inches away from it, instead bought a wand and had it sit in base forever?
        using wand charge right when u get it?
        ur also trying to show off a game where the enemy is DCd to prove ur above 1.6k?

        im glad u got a lot of kills on axe, but trust me i believe u are in the correct skill bracket


          Uninstall noob you are so badd
          To show off a low prio game not even ranked.
          You are a disgrace

          Овај коментар је измењен
          M U R D E R

            Well to be fair 3.5k unranked > 2.8k ranked thats for sure



              casual gamer

                5 seconds in and i can see you went vanguard heart ug

                Feeding in progress

                  yes its a 1.6k mmr.

                  WINNING MENTALITY

                    is vanguard and hearth bad axe is an tank ...... i dont understand

                    Riguma Borusu

                      laning axe with pa = 500 MMR

                      Lets do Science

                        Do you happen to only play Single Draft when you're in unranked or are you constantly in lp because you're an awful, game ruining asshole?


                          You won 3v5. Congratz.

                          Retarded kid.

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            He uploaded that shit show match in youtube. lol


                              Well, this topic also really backfired

                              WINNING MENTALITY

                                fuck you all. rude people not everyone tho

                                casual gamer

                         how many hearts do u see?

                                  axe transitions into utility items usually


                                    I would give you all the K's in the world if it was remotely possible.


                                      w8 dude you auto attacking creeps and denying your carry farm then want more than 1.6k GGWP

                                      but you know probably i will download your video (AS MP3 cause you have a good choice of OSTs :) )

                                      casual gamer

                                        ur getting matched prob with 2k-3k in lpq and theyre reporting you for playing like a 1.3k player = permanent lpq

                                        Johnny Rico

                                          axe you go tranquils > vanguard > blink > blade mail > upg vang > you have 2 slots that you can build almost anything, lotus - bkb - assault(if your team doesnt have a carrier) - more ultility like force euls - and other items.


                                            lol bro. did u actually upload a full match xD. u have some balls putting ur 1k gameplay up in a predominantly 5k forum bruh. but dont worry, the 1ks will appreciate your gameplay.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              this forum is not "predominantly 5k"


                                                Wow there's someone with lower mmr than op. Ohhhhhh should play Jacked. I wonder who is worse.


                                                  haffy sorry, predominantly 7k.

                                                  @ben im obviously better bro no questions asked.

                                                  WINNING MENTALITY

                                                    BIG FUCKING UPDATE :D

                                                    im out from low priotiry now ill get serious ill upload another post playng pudge




                                                        Can't wait for ur next installment bro

                                                        WINNING MENTALITY

                                                          look at my last matches :D


                                                            1.3k with 1200 matches, that's impressive.


                                                              Do u wanna play in 3k? I can give u my account, I've been trying to quit Dota any way, add me if ur interested.


                                                                well dude see you actually deserve more than 1.6k may be 1.7-8 or something since you have 51% winrate atm
                                                                any way just spend your time improving rather than editing dotas

                                                                WINNING MENTALITY

                                                                  thx :D

                                                                  WINNING MENTALITY

                                                                    its ya boy