General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    If you invite us you should follow our time,play at your 1 am should be good time xD

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    Président® Salted Butter

      I gotta wake up at 4 am tomorrow and go to SM Seaside before 7 SeemsGood

      doc joferlyn simp

        Nice gonna do that sick musical Clement?

        Upload picture here ty!


          Hello my name is riki and i come from bosnia, i started playing dota 2 years ago, i play and calibrated at 1k, i got dissapointed and tried to git gud and climbed up to 3k, but ended up being stuck there, i felt sad and decided to take a walk, i didnt know how long ive been walking but pretty sure i ended up in the woods and fell into a manhole, i looked around and turns out its a cave, then i saw a cauldron (i think it was the cauldron of skill people talked about), then i saw a shining black dude popping out of it, curious, i asked who the fuck is he, and he introduced himself as symetrical and will guide me to get higher mmr in trade of my virginity and sanity, i was like "what the fuck is this kind of bullshit? of course i'll take it, easiest decision in my life" and he told me to create a new account and told me the secrets of getting vhs, (ill tell u all the secret at the end of the story) shortly after suddenly everything becomes bright and i ended up being back at my home, at the next day, in the morning, it was sunday and i instantly jumped on my pc, tried what he said, and i did it, i played and played and played, few days later, i unlocked ranked matchmaking and calibrated that account to 4.8k, played some games there, and went back to my 3k account and grinded it up to 5k by playing support because i got rsi on one of my hands due to excessive fapping to cookie monster, shortly after i found the land of dotabuff and thought it would be a good place for me to wave my epenis and brag about my 5k mmr, but now my loss of sanity becomes worse and worse and so is my syphilis (thx symetrical nice chloroform) and i cant play that much anymore, i think i have like 2 more month to live and i want to reach 7k before i die so at least some people will remember me
          also the secret is destroying the enemy ancient

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            Hello my name is riki and i come from bosnia, i started playing dota 2 years ago, i play and calibrated at 1k, i got dissapointed and tried to git gud and climbed up to 3k, but ended up being stuck there, i felt sad and decided to take a walk, i didnt know how long ive been walking but pretty sure i ended up in the woods and fell into a manhole, i looked around and turns out its a cave, then i saw a cauldron (i think it was the cauldron of skill people talked about), then i saw a shining black dude popping out of it, curious, i asked who the fuck is he, and he introduced himself as symetrical and will guide me to get higher mmr in trade of my virginity and sanity, i was like "what the fuck is this kind of bullshit? of course i'll take it, easiest decision in my life" and he told me to create a new account and told me the secrets of getting vhs, (ill tell u all the secret at the end of the story) shortly after suddenly everything becomes bright and i ended up being back at my home, at the next day, in the morning, it was sunday and i instantly jumped on my pc, tried what he said, and i did it, i played and played and played, few days later, i unlocked ranked matchmaking and calibrated that account to 4.8k, played some games there, and went back to my 3k account and grinded it up to 5k by playing support because i got rsi on one of my hands due to excessive fapping to cookie monster, shortly after i found the land of dotabuff and thought it would be a good place for me to wave my epenis and brag about my 5k mmr, but now my loss of sanity becomes worse and worse and so is my syphilis (thx symetrical nice chloroform) and i cant play that much anymore, i think i have like 2 more month to live and i want to reach 7k before i die so at least some people will remember me
            also the secret is destroying the enemy ancient

            Président® Salted Butter

              Ty fam

              doc joferlyn simp

                Wait scratch that upload video instead for lulz and SEAtardPride

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                Président® Salted Butter

                  Watch me desperately try to sound like I have a deep ass voice while I sing my lungs out in a cat costume LUL

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Nevermind that though, I can always check your Facebook ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                      Did i have to spam luna to get mmr :(


                        upload vid here so i can behold the sight of you wearing a cat costume!!!!

                        mom said it's my turn on ...

                          Never again
                          (Will be back april)

                          Président® Salted Butter

                            I am still cringing at the fact that they had to lower the key of the song because I couldn't get the high note at the end FeelsBadMan


                              I cant win wo luna


                                middle of second page daed topic

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Play later yeah?


                                    Page one is closed noob and gayshit commend on page two


                                      Fx's mmr is inflated from luna

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        ^Oh shit.


                                          I forced myself to play when I was tilted
                                          Bad decision


                                            Im not a noob who can only farm like bws. Prove says i can play ember


                                              Luna isnt even that good anymore.


                                                I mean why not just spam necro or zeus, ull smash pubs easier.


                                                  Luna is very good for me because she has a game changing ulti and a very good chance that she can end the game super early


                                                    Im not a noob who can only farm like bws. Prove says i can play ember



                                                      I almost got 9 min vlad but I sent the courier back home before I take my items XDDDDD


                                                        Now I can brag about carrying Haffy again
                                                        He had 500 ping


                                                          playing YGO 2006 in 2017 LUL


                                                            dem pixels


                                                              renshin u want to play battlecup tier 3 with me i have spare account


                                                                i dont play dota anymore nor i want to
                                                                edit: ask the other seatards

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                                                                1-IceTea 🌟
                                                                  Овај коментар је избрисан.


                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      I feel the urge to meme.


                                                                        I might play 1 hour from now
                                                                        I don't want another lightbulb incident


                                                                          My practice smurf here:) btw is getting satanic after mjonir pike is good?

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            FEELS FUCKING GOOD MAN


                                                                              WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHT WHAT


                                                                                OK I GOT MY GRADES SEEMS LIKE I PASSED THIS SEMESTER HAUDCURDSWDHCSUCDJSJCDJCSMCEJCEMFSICDJFEJFEIFEKVE

                                                                                ALL I HAVE TO DO IS TO ATTEND CLASSES SO I DONT GET A FAILURE THROUGH ABSENCES

                                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                  I haven't experienced a better feeling than comforting a nervous grill right before the show and watching her nail it. I feel so satisfied watching her do it successfully

                                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                    And I got hugs from multiple grills, felt some boobs on my arm multiple times. Ayyy lmao

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                                                                                      "breasts" is such an ugly term. use boobs instead!


                                                                                        I dont get to feel boobs :(


                                                                                          Im a lonely boy


                                                                                            I dont get hugs :(

                                                                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                              Ahhh honestly as a gril how do they not notice we feel their chests when they do the arm grab or hug


                                                                                                They do but probably cant avoid it.

                                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                  Horny detected