General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    I'm salty af because everytime I discuss dota (it doesn't happen much, I'm not that immature) with them other than that Wong'Z niger they either brag about their pub games, diss me for no reason, or talk about things they don't understand
    "Sven is good as support"
    "Jugger agha first la"
    "600 LH in 30 min is impossible miracle had 600 in 60 min game"
    "Ya bws you never go bounty carry cuz u noob af"
    At least the guy who got me VACed is a good memer

    Président® Salted Butter

      Phase is situational i feel, BoTs are great for a ratting brood


        31 min boots XD

        Président® Salted Butter

          If you say so, harmless LUL

          doc joferlyn simp

            io doesnt need boots until the 30th minute because his tether lets him maneuver around the battlefield, also since he has global repositioning with his ulti

            jk the arc boots are just too valuable when used in conjunction with tether, always get it


              Those fuckers can't even get out of 3k after 1000+ hours and they act like they're miracle or shit

              Président® Salted Butter

                Man we were losing since 20 mins in, I couldn't get rax, and pa still had tangoes 30 mins in xD


                  bws just remember that many ppl play dota for fun and in a real world setting discussing a game too seriously results in weird stares. kek

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    sven is good as a support no kappa. watch meka's shit he plays wk as support i think the playstyle is more or less similar

                    or watch songsong stream he roams using ck and jugger on a daily basis


                      I think I'll need to finally get my solo to 1k , ppl don't seem to take me seriously anymore lul


                        how do u kill someone as brood without phase boots and u have a million spiders tho

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          man, if I actually heard a person say carry bh is better than support bh, I'd throw my fucking headphones at em like seriously


                            If they played dota for fun I'm sure they won't spend 5-6 hours everyday doing the same shit
                            Or I'm overestimating their intelligence and their mindset

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              yeah lmao discussing dota 2 strats sounds weird

                              but the dota 2 population of our school is big, and we seniors are having a 3k average tournament

                              we play the finals on saturday huehuehue


                                well to be fair, utility support bounty have low impact in low mmr games. its like tyring to play io at 1k. u probably have more impact playing carry io at low mmr tbh.

                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  Ult + orchid + diffu/echo sabre

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    yeah, better to be the bogey man of the game wherein everyone fears compared to a fucking ambulance bh

                                    just dont ks lmao. get fat from track kills. many bhs at low mmr dont use track its infuriating


                                      nah its more like u cant treat the game seriously when u talk about it irl. even though they might play tons of games.


                                        I'm sure nobody stared me weirdly because I discussed about a video game seriously
                                        Because I got better grades than them with 5x less effort kappa

                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                          Unless the enemy picks lc. Then bh can reign all he wants. Huehuhuehuehue


                                            i cringe when i see deso bounties though.


                                              i think im smart enough to get high grades but i became extremely lazy to do it, i was top in the class when i was in grade school to early highschool to the point i skipped a grade but it all went downhill after we moved houses and people introduced me to video games. also i kinda lost the point of getting high grades in the first place, i just started worrying about it recently when people tell me "ur grades gonna show on ur transcript" or something (still havent done anything tho LUL)

                                              but when i reached mid high school i stopped trying altogether, my parents started to expect less and less from me and im happy to be relieved of expectations (and the pressure)

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                ^try battlefury bounties. WORST FUCKING JOKE

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  why is everyone im playing with in solo q significantly more dogshit than me, but i stll lose

                                                  im so tired of this game tbh


                                                    Yo jacked I can't seem to figure out what is keeping you at that shithole
                                                    Maybe I didn't watch your games enough


                                                      bws. remember, the best way to prove a point to kids is to fight them. its what i do on a daily basis on this forum


                                                        Yo guys does storm work with a a completely uncooperative and retarded team?

                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                          I'm basically like alice except mom threatens to kick me out of the house.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            alice my team and i gonna fight vs zid's team on saturday. standing is 1-0 in our favor best of three

                                                            wish him luck huehuehue


                                                              rofl my mom actually indirectly introduced me dota, she grounded me from all of my consoles when i fell from top 10 for the first time, but i had to play games or id die so i went to the net cafe with my friends and played dota lul

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                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                I'm betting on haffy simply because he's on the db forums ROFL


                                                                  thanks mom


                                                                    haffy, its the mixing party and solo games. it kinda fucks with your mentality in games. everytime i start playing party games i feel weird in them. because the players are dog shit, but somehow u just lose (because of 'coordination' or w/e). things just dont play out as you expect. also if u play with good teamates, and suddenly u go back to solo, every1 feels shitty as well.


                                                                      wdym zid's team? are they the ppl from that dead gc or r they unrelated


                                                                        You're getting the Dunning-Kruger Haffy
                                                                        I thought that too sometimes
                                                                        But obviously
                                                                        There is SOMETHING
                                                                        That is keeping you in that bracket
                                                                        You just haven't figured that out yet
                                                                        Maybe you are too sloppy
                                                                        Maybe you aren't disciplined enough
                                                                        Maybe your positioninf is trash
                                                                        Maybe you rely on your teammates too much

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          ah yes i got a supporter, i should be on the db list of popular players

                                                                          expecting it after 10 mins, skim. i know you can read this

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            If I actually do get kicked out, I'd say, "fuck it, time to watch that ee clip siractionslacks made"


                                                                              lol alice. i think consoles dont consume u as much as dota. r.i.p bright young future.

                                                                              u fucks get your grades before u play, like raj. where the fuck is he anyway

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                my dunning kruger has evolved. before it was a normal dunning kruger but now it has become more sophisticated because i know i have dunning kruger but im not sure that i have it


                                                                                  bws you fuk. guess my mmr now. have u seen my winrate? ehehehe

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    unrelated thing, the participants are students from our school

                                                                                    but i remember he talked to you about being a stand-in for last year's tourney right? didnt you go by smash back then

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      jacked i just read your comment about mixed games and everything makes perfect sense now


                                                                                        Yo guys does storm work with a a completely uncooperative and retarded team?
                                                                                        All you need to do is farm bloodstone, be around where kills should happen, zip to chip away their health but do that safely and conservatively, do that while farming and repeat until you have enough charges to snowball yourself to victory


                                                                                          ah. are you guys from the philippines, where u actually have a large enough dota community that it gets mixed with school stuff?

                                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                            Speaking of the gc, u fucks invited me and I'm in the group now, I just can't use it because valve is a big cuck that wants money NotLikeThis

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              my best games were when i wasnt keen into party games. even when playing with my irl friends i wont go into the party because i know ill get softer bcs ill start to rely on them

                                                                                              right now though i think im gonna lay off of solo q for a qhile. maybe wait after the monkey king fever dies down. for now im gonna go full-on party memer or cs go


                                                                                                I guess I have been ignored lul time to wallow in my sorrow in a corner

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  jacked should be like a fucking 1k mmr dota 2 guru


                                                                                                    what is that steam group anyway. i cant do shit in it lol


                                                                                                      The only loss I had on storm on my main was from a 600 ping game when I played home with both of my parents watching youtube when it was raining lul