General Discussion

General DiscussionUNBAN SPUNKI / BAN MODS 2

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UNBAN SPUNKI / BAN MODS 2 in General Discussion

    apparently dotabuff forums are glitched and it randomly locks threads. at least that's what i assume since a good mod would give a reason and respond, so it has to be a glitch in the forum guys.

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      Mods honestly can u be adults and give a response, people are banned for dark homour/jokes which contains no bad intentions towards anyone..


        can there be a low priority for dotabuff users instead on ban


          We have been pretty clear that using hate speech leads to a ban. Not sure why there is a huge response to one person getting banned. We are pretty tolerant if you don't use racism/homophobia, etc.


            we have lost some companions in this quest i believe


              Lawlie for president :D


                @lawliepop i got a 1 month ban for saying "here in dotabuff if you say you're literally hitler"

                is that hate speech, it doesnt sound like it

                please elaborate

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                  i dont see how any grownup can see the use of a word as hate speech, im sure anyone with a brain knows it all depends on context

                  unless you think black people are racist when they call each other nigga

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                    Making jokes that use homophobic slurs make these forums less welcoming to a large group of people. Stick to things that are dota related. We don't need to focus on sexual preference as the butt of a joke constantly.


                      First, you have to prove such a thing as hate speech exists. Second, you have to prove something was hate speech.
                      There were no hate speech in these forums at all. So now you're absolutely bullshitting. Idk but maybe skim is brainwashing you or something.


                        Oh yeah, now I'm just wondering if that's skim logging in to your account.
                        Now, what you just said is absolutely bullshit. And these forums aren't dota forums. These forums are dotabuff forums. Which means forums for dotabuff users.


                          Thread deletion incoming because yet again I'm exposing the bullshit and lies and mods won't let this stay on forums for anyone else to see. But hey, you just have to delete every thread of mine, because it's for whatever reason personal. Oh well.


                            So Dota is a really global game and as a result we have a really diverse group of people on here. This means that sometimes not everyone has the same temperament for what is appropriate or not.

                            We're trying to keep the forums reasonably welcoming in a way that is not discriminatory. If you don't care about not being discriminatory that is your prerogative, but discriminatory behavior isn't welcome on these forums.

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                              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                              Vem Comigo
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                                  And how about first see a single complaint about something instead of just banning/deleting because you somehow in your braindead head decided it "might" be offensive to someone?

                                  artreezy's dad
                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                      @BSJ Your comments get deleted when they're offensive or hateful. Nobody owes you an explanation, either for why people might be offended by something, or why your comments are moderated. It's obvious: follow the rules or leave. Additionally, if you think that Skim is the reason why we enforce a CoC, you're horribly misinformed.

                                      artreezy's dad

                                        today i learned is m ongoloid a banned word LOL

                                        the censorship spreads guys.

                                        soon we won't be able to call each other idiots either.

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                                          Spunki got banned for posting this picture(click at own risk):

                                          Please enlighten me how that is offensive or hateful to anyone my good social justice sirs

                                          artreezy's dad

                                            and since you guys want to eventually censor every word imaginable maybe you monkeys should tell us in our post WHAT WORD is disallowing us from posting.

                                            even your SJW system is garbage.


                                              i just think you guys are being extremely obtuse

                                              example of hate speech: "gays are trash", "fuck n*ggers", "jews are scum"

                                              example of NOT hate speech: "lol benao ur such a f@g"

                                              the fact you can get banned for a fucking month for saying something like this ^ is what annoys me

                                              artreezy's dad

                                                mods don't know what context is.


                                                  Basically what sano said^^

                                                  not arin

                                                    sjws on the loose call the tumblr police

                                                    artreezy's dad

                                                      A Guide on How to Post on DotaBuff Forums by MARLAN

                                                      basically any time you want to use any word at all just replace it with "first letter-word" to ensure that you won't offend anyone.

                                                      so for example the above sentence would be:

                                                      b-word a-word t-word y-word w-word t-word u-word a-word w-word a-word a-word j-word r-word i-word w-word "f-word l-word w-word" t-word e-word t-word y-word w-word o-word a-word

                                                      artreezy's dad

                                                        actually lets just use stars to censor ourselves.

                                                        so the above sentence would just be:


                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          i just think you guys are being extremely obtuse
                                                          example of hate speech: "gays are trash", "fuck n*ggers", "jews are scum"
                                                          example of NOT hate speech: "lol benao ur such a f@g"
                                                          the fact you can get banned for a fucking month for saying something like this ^ is what annoys me

                                                          I blame feminism for making people with authority overly-sensitive and SJW's.

                                                          lp pesok #2

                                                            You guys are such bobbas


                                                              example of NOT hate speech: "lol benao ur such a f@g"

                                                              Sorry, but this IS hate speech. Context cannot be assumed. That comment provides an overwhelming negative (mocking, insulting) association with a group of people, and can have real effects that you may not understand. Take 5 seconds and replace the word "f@g" with something non-hateful and you're fine. Lean on an overused keyword that offends and insults a large group of people and you're not fine.

                                                              This shit isn't hard. Use your brain and try to empathize with others.

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                                                              artreezy's dad

                                                                lol benao ur such a unicorn


                                                                  alright i rest my case

                                                                  artreezy's dad

                                                                    so when are we banning the use of idiot, retard, and bitch.

                                                                    retards and girls are allowed on this forum too right

                                                                    artreezy's dad

                                                                      what if i call someone a braindead that's offensive to braindeads.

                                                                      can i call people vegetables? but what if im talking about the food, so we can't discuss the food anymore.

                                                                      RIP cigarettes ( f a gs) RIP vegetables.

                                                                      eventually we aren't allowed to type here.

                                                                      artreezy's dad

                                                                        what about the word down? that might offend people who have down's syndrome.

                                                                        we also should ban the word fat. no longer can a carry get fat, because that might offend fat people. from this moment forward carries are obese. wait no that's offensive too. carries are overweight? ok what about fed? well no that might insinuate that fat people too much and get fed.

                                                                        artreezy's dad

                                                                          C O N T E X T M A T T E R S

                                                                          G E T O F F Y O U R H I G H H O R S E


                                                                            LMAO social justice warriors.

                                                                            Edit: ey boss i habe de cancer

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                                                                              This shit isn't hard.

                                                                              diarrhea is a serious thing man, try to keep hydrated and go to a doctor.

                                                                              in case that wasn't literal, sorry context can't be assumed

                                                                              artreezy's dad

                                                                                G O T T E M


                                                                                  Context does matter, but it's not an excuse for harming others. The word "down" itself is absolutely harmless. Saying "you have downs" is actually offensive. I'd hope that most people can grasp the difference.

                                                                                  This is all really easy: rather than argue about how you can evade the rules and use crutch words (yep) in an effort to easily insult people, try to spend an extra minute and write out a reasonable response - one that helps people and contributes to the conversation without being divisive or harmful.

                                                                                  Honestly, if that isn't appealing to you, just leave. The goal of these forums is to help people improve at Dota, not to provide a platform for your bullshit.

                                                                                  not arin

                                                                                    i had a half page long essay but theres no point actually
                                                                                    it would just get deleted again lmao


                                                                                      i believe we all know how the forums work, some of us have been posting here for as long as 4 years, myself included

                                                                                      i've helped countless people here and have given lots of advice

                                                                                      i've also flamed some people who like to create random threads with nothing but rant about teammates

                                                                                      i've also made some friends and it would be nice to be able to joke with them without being worried about getting banned for typing a word you (and nobody else) find offensive

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        i just find it interesting that the moderation has numerically increased (thread locks, bans, mutes) exponentionally in recent months. i remember when there was wave vs bogi or whatever nonsense people would go back and forth hurling insults and nobody would get muted or whatever for a LONG time

                                                                                        i personally believe in having a tiny shred of personal toughness, people call me mean names and shit all the time and i have to deal with it at work because they are my superiors (mostly assuming im stupid when they are actually braindead af, my job is full of pompous morons), im not going to go home and cry because a human being thinks something of me that i dont like

                                                                                        lp pesok #2

                                                                                          omfg Magnus lmao

                                                                                          artreezy's dad

                                                                                            ^ this. (@sano)

                                                                                            and yea i knew you would clasp on down/down's. i wanted to see if you would honestly.

                                                                                            what about vegetable? bitch? (mentally) retard(ed)? idiot? braindead? monkeys? fat?


                                                                                            i could go on forever. every single negative word is attached to a minority, but most people (clearly not you) have realized that unless the context is targeting that group specifically it's only being used as a negative word to begin with.

                                                                                            if im flaming spunki and i call him a nazi piece of shit, that should get me a ban. but if im messaging him on steam and call him a nazi for fun the context is just me joking around and he doesn't care.

                                                                                            so are we banning all negative words? we can only be positive here? happiness, rainbows and unicorns for everyone?

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                                                                                              Magnus is banned lmao.

                                                                                              Edit: the amount of deleted comments by mods here is fucking insane. Im just wondering what were they saying

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                                                                                                @JDF8 - Bad behavior on the forums tends to come in waves. We're just in the middle of a big one right now.

                                                                                                not arin

                                                                                                  Sorry, but this IS hate speech. Context cannot be assumed.

                                                                                                  blahblahblah benaos been telling new people to eat shit since their first (normal, usually asking for advice) posts and he's being tolerated
                                                                                                  but someone says a word with a light homophobic/racist context which is only used to talk in between people who know each other and you suddenly start banning people over that

                                                                                                  i'd be actually triggered so much if this was any kind of real life situation, thank god that im on a dead internet forum
                                                                                                  it's like having a mexican landlord who would cut out electricity and water supply everytime he'd hear you call your roommate Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

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