General Discussion

General DiscussionI need to get past 4k please help :)

I need to get past 4k please help :) in General Discussion

    Well, last 2 months I've managed to grind 3300 solo mmr to 4k. But now I'm currently stucked at 3.7k-3.8k mmr. Do I need to play a certain role? I always adjust to every fcking game just to make sure someone will support or counterpicks the enemy hero. It's really hard to play solo queue in SEA region. Any tips? :) I would appreciate those who did it especially in my bracket.


      Play mid, or a position 5 with a lot of smoke ganks, correct warding, pulling, stacking and rotations and make calls for your team, Roshan, push this tower, care enemies are missing etc. Dont flame and be positive.


        how do you guyz get 600 mmr in 2 months?


          @Moćna bobica I checked your profile bro, we are almost in the same mmr. Thanks


            @[MNI] BaTuka* as far as i can remember, i spammed heroes that can solo-carry or control the pace of the game alone. Like mid heroes QoP, SF and carry heroes like Jugg, Sven


              600 mmr in 2 Month is easy.


                i play sven a lot i really do my best like i really don't know what to improve now
                i farm and farm and farm and orginize ganks n shit but still no high skill wtf
                some games i m lazy or lagging and that is the reason why i am not high skill?
                ( i have multiple account )

                Овај коментар је измењен
                mentally handicapped

                  stop playing party mmr and losing


                    @[MNI] BaTuka* well dont pick sven if the enemy has kiting abilities like sprout or stone gaze. Also, play ranked if you're in a good mood and not tilting. If your mindset is unstable, you already lost the game before it even started.


                      @ [MNI] BaTuka*

                      wanna know how to get good?

                      dont smurf and grind your mmr

                      thats it


                        How much are u willing to pay?


                          I didnt expect normal skilled players will post here =)))))) Kappa


                            ok ty guyz

                            mentally handicapped

                              ayy lmao i was talking about batuka

                              he asked, i shitposted


                                No problem bro. We all love dota here :)


                                  i was same but was stuck 1 week or 2 ..just win midd and they gona feed and rq


                                    git gud

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I was around 3.8 to for the longest time like you too, then shot up to 4.6, now I've dropped back to 4.1 and have been stuck here for a while ever since moving to Asia. I mostly played bounty hunter and had like 80% on him for a while till I got to around 4k. I usually play safelane or roaming support and just did my best to shit on the enemy heroes as much as possible and as early as possible, so I pick heroes like Jakiro, Lich, and Silencer who can do a lot of harass right from the beginning. Works really well since people rarely get more than 1 set of tangos at that mmr.


                                        Bro u r trash at the game I could beat u anyday


                                          How to get VHS ?


                                            GO MID AND SAY CYKA BLYAT


                                              @Jacked Your profile says you got 1.3k mmr and you are flaming me. Talk to me when you're VHS like me. :)


                                                @Potato Marshal yeah bro, you will spend a lot of time being stucked in SEA servers. Lmao but im still optimistic


                                                  cuz u r noob who buys vanguard blademail on timber. where's your dagon bitch?


                                                    Probably lost in the woods with yo mum


                                                      yo enough of this trash talk. we can 1 v 1 since u r SEA noob.


                                                        I got nothing to prove to you, scum. I wont stoop down nononono =))


                                                          thats what i thought.


                                                            luls, mb with that much playtime i can reach 5k xdxd


                                                              @kingP! You're a joke if you think 3.8k is anything different from low 2k. I actually have to say 3ks are the worst, every game they all have "new" items or skill builds bc they think they are good enough at the game to create something good. Higher 4ks people start to have a brain

                                                              Luis Miguel joven

                                                                who can play my tbd games +4k ? id: 378386263


                                                                  ^ add me

                                                                  Luis Miguel joven

                                                                    ^ lol ur 1k bro


                                                                      that's teh pun


                                                                        U don't think a 1k can cslibrate ur acct to 4k? Ur loss bro


                                                                          pick shit like underlord and necro. the reddit inbreds that only know how to communicate in twitch memes haven't seen these heroes on most streams where they spend their lives. you will crush them asunder like a fat man falling on a grape.

                                                                          meet yo maker

                                                                            Help me get past to 1k b4 i some1 help u


                                                                              Someones saying vhs is not different with hs/ns? No offense bro, but there is a big difference. In low 2k no one picks support, and they dont care about mmr. In high 3ks everyone wants to have their own moment. They want to prove something and yeah it sometimes fuck up. For me I just wanna raise my mmr to a better bracket so the environment would be less cancerous and toxic.


                                                                                >implying 4k is a non toxic and better bracket


                                                                                  Well atleast. We cant skip that bracket :)


                                                                                    I'm sure all bracket below 5k is toxic as fuck
                                                                                    and 5k is only toxic


                                                                                      lul 4k is cancer