General Discussion

General DiscussionIncrease hidden MMR by playing Unranked games.

Increase hidden MMR by playing Unranked games. in General Discussion
DA 1

    Hey guys, I'm already play ranked for 6 games, and summed up with some toxic player, feeder, and non try harding player. I already know my MMR average. Just curious, can I increase my average mmr in Unranked games before I play ranked games again? Thank you guys :D

    Riguma Borusu

      unranked and ranked are separate once you have played ranked (corresponding mmr, solo vs solo, party vs party)


        hidden mmr is hidden as long as you don't start calibrating, then you can only manipulate it playing ranked.
        also, there are feeder, flamer etc in every rank, for example above 6k there is this mage guy who plays in EU I think. I haven't really checked his profile yet but he is mostly in the highest mmr game when I tune in to watch some pub games. Whenever he isn't snowballing or at least winning that guy is all over the /all chat.

        I would highly recommend those games, they tend to be very amusing and also give some insight in some interesting play styles or item choices. I am not saying that all they do is good but, you know, they aren't so highly ranked because they are bad.
        Or just watch some song song streams, say what you want but the entertainment level among pro streamers is the highest at sing sing and maybe bulldog.

        God, I have shit to do and procrastinating all over dotabuff forums, fml.


          no, just accept that you're shit and no different than the cancers you meet

          mentally handicapped

            stop spreading cancer benao