General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats some good OD builds?

Whats some good OD builds? in General Discussion

    This was my first proper game I tried OD mid and I tried to remember builds I saw on stream

    Game went well but Im wondering what sort of OD builds are there?

    I went treads > drums > pike > linkens > atos > shiva > travel > sold drum for bkb

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Skill build should be;
      At lvl7: 0/4/2/1
      At lvl 11: 1/4/4/2

      Cast imprisonment to creeps to micro all of them at once and to scare the mid to stay away from the creeps or he'll eat 325 dmg.

      Item is:
      Magic Wand
      Force Staff > Hurricane Pike
      Dagger (situational)
      SB (situational)
      Octarine Core
      Shivas Guard
      Scythe of Vyse

      I'm a 3k scrub but I hope it gives you the idea.

      Don Piva

        moonstone eat moonstone bloodthorn travel vyse bkb i like octarine due to int pike

        casual gamer

          (drum) pike blink hex/bkb bkb/hex moonshard


          pike blink atos atos atos = meme build

          casual gamer

            drum pike blink hex is pretty standard i think

            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

              bottle treads drum force pike core
              you can get stuff likeblink /bkb/shivas/shard/hex
              then late game octa/rfo

              Овај коментар је измењен
              BSJ. LGD

                pretty sure you spam astral on the enemy hero instead of crips, enemy mid no regen+no hp= save haven for team.
                skill build: 1 4 4, lvl 2 ult lvl 11. with arcanes you can perma autocast orb, then astral 1 creep hit 2 times instead of 3 on the rest, once on the creep thats being hit to kill the whole have.

                item build:
                Arcanes wand lace salves maybe bottle farm farm farm and out harrass/regen the enemy, shadowblade (15 mins) then snowball by kills with shadowblade (find solo heroes) into silver edge bot pike/bkb/octo/hex 1.7khp with se+lance 2k ish with octo very tanky very high map pressure like storm and you move pretty fuking fast.
                you just split push and kill people like a storm would untill minute 300ish, youll prolly have a nice timing to rosh and end. this is the best pub stomp build. silver edge, octo core, b o t has a wr of 70% RESPECTIVELY, cumalatively its prolly like 75-80%.

                Save astral to kill steal to snowballl or DISRUPT ENEMY BACKUP VERI IMPORTENT, never on the hero you wanna initiate unless its to setup but you have shadowblade so you dont need to setup.
                you will learn how to farm, kill steal, snowball and split push and pick off heroes develop ninja senses with this build. which are all useful skills for playing any other heroes.

                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                  u shud put level 2 ulti at 14 i think

                  BSJ. LGD

                    o ya woops yea max orb first


                      Power tread, drum, tp scroll, pike. I get hex and linken/bkb after that.


                        how are you able to play on multiple servers op?


                          why do u guys skip orb?


                            ^I think the orb got nerfed, idk


                              It costs a shit load of mana if you max it now and you cant sustain even if you also maxed your aura in the early to mid game. Also W helps you be able to flashfarm lane creeps, plus its more useful to have lower cd and more damage on w for early engagements.

                              edit: Not sure if cd scales actually, but cast range does (and a lot)

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Potato Marshal

                                Ult should almost always be delayed, it's very underwhelming in terms of damage until later in the game where you can steal a ton of int with your orb, which you shouldn't be maxing first.

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  Skill build should be;
                                  At lvl7: 0/4/2/1
                                  At lvl 11: 1/4/4/2

                                  why would you get ult before having at least one level in orb, it's just a waste. build is 0-4-3-0 into 1-4-4-0 then you get ult at 10 and 11.


                                    Is veil viable to od?

                                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                      dunno, the mana burn seems worth but i dont play od

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Veil used to be more popular on OD until they lowered the amount of int it gives. Veil is pretty underwhelming since it doesn't really give you what you need (chase, attack speed, magic immunity etc.)


                                          thnx, I guess drums>veil then

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            No that's terrible, why would you waste slots and gold on items that do almost nothing except give a bit of extra stats?


                                              I meant, I would get drums instead of veil now.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                ^it's probably better to save up for force staff at that point, since you'll want to build pike eventually anyway, and drums are something you just sell, you also get (arguably) better utility from the force staff as OD, and it gives slightly more int than drums, ofc it's more expensive but you also won't end up selling it

                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                  i like treads wand forcestaff/dragon lance -> finish hurricane pike into bigger items like bkb, hex, shivas. an early drums isn't bad though


                                                    orb also eats int + it dmg enemie. Going for astral dmg creeps around that ruins the last hits.


                                                      I really like an early moonshard. OD can deal massive damage with that attack speed. I usually go Hurricane Pike -> BKB -> Moonshard and you can fight pretty well at that point

                                                      not arin

                                                        when do you go drums and when you skip it and go straight for pike?

                                                        not arin

                                                          why would you get ult before having at least one level in orb, it's just a waste. build is 0-4-3-0 into 1-4-4-0 then you get ult at 10 and 11.

                                                          you dont want to have 4th level of aura before putting more points into orb.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            0441 u heard it here nerds


                                                              Rtz goes 1-4-4 dude it's not just me talking


                                                                Can I just ask I thought OD was back in the meta cus he is good against morph/axe/timber cus of his Q. So if you mid vs a morph for instance are you saying you don't skill Q til lvl 9/10? How the fuck do you harass without a point in Q

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  by spamming imprison?????????????

                                                                  ur trollong me right


                                                                    I wasn't arguing I was asking. I see people mostly use it for cs and people run away if you look to astral them and even then the range is so poor. So as I said I thought if you safelane vs axe/timber or mid vs morph is one point in Q not picked up? I guess you could just astral axe and timber so thanks for the answer my b

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      you can spam on morp as well the range at lvl 5 7 isnt awful and ur faster esp with wlace

                                                                      go look @ od spammer though, im not one


                                                                        Orb int steal is down, so astral is better to farm and set up good ganks like disruption. And ulti is used to mana burn too now. Feels so weird, but it works. Jdf8 build is basically standard every game. Late game u can go linkens, shivas, moonshard, bloodthorn against evasion, refresher, octarine. Or eblade dagon of course the other build that works on every heroe. Tbh i would want to try eblade, as u cud do nuts dmg with eblade ulti, and u can save urself from a spooky ursa or pa, plus attack speed and armor from the agi. It is a meme and i havent tryes it but who knows.

                                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                          Lately at my tier I have been going Treads Drums Pike Linkens Shivas. I've played a small amount of games so far but in my games I have needed a linkens before a blink. Hero seems to have so much fun in mid, most empty lanes I've found since no one challenges astral.


                                                                            How's the rtz aquila build guys?
                                                                            Is it dead right now?