General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win with riki?

How to win with riki? in General Discussion

    Idk what is the best role and build for riki. Any guide and tips for riki?


      nice try HAVOCBADGER

      Visita Hari Danta

        dagon + 5 rapiers

        Don Piva

          make him a ganker, phasis, echo, difusal, vlads, tp scrolls, pick him aghainst squishy heroes

          Super Speed Snail

            Diffusal, desolator are the core for riki. I dont want start roaming without it.

            I dont really get the trend of supporting riki lately. I do not like the style. But it works. Just spam wards and sentry to deward the enemy.

            Ganker riki is the nature of the hero. Diffusal, desolator, echo sabre, abyssal are the stuff to kill people off. Even when you underfarmed heavily, this build still can kills.

            Sometime I see enemy successfully did some carry riki with manta and skadi. Obviously companied with other carry items like bkb, satanic, and stuff.

            In low mmr, you could flexibly build him. Or any hero for that matter.


              Riki with desolator is so fucking squishy tho. And to want both diffusal and deso before roaming isnt true. U can start roaming with oov only if ur supporting, or with just urn echo phase on core riki.


                Roaming riki starting with tango oov and sentry is the best way to go.

                Pick vs following types of heroes:
                - Strong right clickers which durability comes from spells (naix, LC, ursa, slark, am). Bad vs sven aoe stun and cleave, bad vs PA due to evasion.
                - Strong vs supports without AoE CC
                - Weak vs overally durable team consisted from a lot of STR heroes (hard to gank lanes in early game). For example if enemy offlaner is tide or centaur and mid laner is DK or Timber i would never pick riki against them because i will not be able to help team at all.
                - Riki is terrible vs radiance carriers spec, naga, alch, necrophos(his skills works like radiance Q and passive).

                early items: Tranq/Phase/Treads + Wand/skip wand + Aquila/Drums
                Mid: Diffusal
                Late game items:
                - Basher is always legit
                - Manta for dispelling stuff and dodge

                Luxury late game items:
                - Skadi
                - Butterfly

                Item for duo with magnus:
                - Battle Fury - if you can communicate with magnus properly and sync Empower + RP with ur ultimate you may even score most suprising rampage :P

                PS. Dont listen to Super Speed Snail. He have 4 items on underfarmed riki ^^


                  echo before diffusal is too retarded


                    Echo is not needed at all. Riki already have attack speed and slow.

                    Riki win rate in 2k bracket: 55%
                    Super Speed Snail win rate in normal skill after 150 games: 45%

                    His advices may lead you to losing rather to winning games with riki.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      riki 's suitable role after the last changes is roamer while building support items like urn , trq , drum , diffusal and blink if u want more escape mechanics . skill build is to max cloak and dagger, with lv 5 u should have 3 points in c&d 1 smoke screen and 1 in blink strike. if u want some aggressive roam u should go for phase boots instead of trq and rush diffusal rather than drum and urn while keeping map full of wards . always buy infused raindrops cause u will get hit by skills more than auto right if u ganking mid.starting items like 1 clarity - 1 slave - 1 tango with orb of venom works great while buying obs ward to put it at mid lane and help mid hero know surroundings.if u face heroes that have high ms like bloodseeker, ench and dark seer then echo saber will do it's best to slow them. recommend it after phase boots then rush diffusal after it. >>Opinions Welcomed Anytime<<


                        Just do the unexpected. Dont know why but i'm pretty good at riki

                        Forget me not

                          Just be a dick and disturb the enemy mid and safelane , always prepare a set of sent and an orb of venom at early game,


                            Ask phantom riki


                              Euls is under-appreciated imo. Gives you much needed mana, ms, and a purge/disable.