General Discussion

General DiscussionInterview with Ad Finem Skylark

Interview with Ad Finem Skylark in General Discussion

    I sat down with the off-laner of team Ad Finem, Haris "Skylark" Zafiriou, to talk about himself, his team and generally DotA 2.

    He believes that a team should face its problems and not try to run away from them. Hence, Ad Finem has stuck together and tried to overcome problems and become better, instead of trying to change rosters.

    Do you believe that teams should look more into solving their problems instead of just changing players? Do you think that sticking together with a team and working it out rewards you in the long run?
    Share your opinion!

    P.S. Feedback on the interview is always appreciated and most welcome. However, keep it coming in a polite and mannered way. I am trying to become better from your suggestions. Thanks a lot!




        Navi is the only big team not to shuffle. Only they r sucking rn. FeelsBadMan