General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport or carry

Support or carry in General Discussion

    Im in normal skill. I really like playing support but sometimes i dont feel support dont have power to change the game even if there are 4 carry in the game. True if im playing carry i will have a 5 carry team but i can carry my team with less depend on the team than support. And i figured out i can carry pretty well with some hero. It maybe like my support is bad. I got frustrated sometime when i cant win game with support.


      but sometimes i dont feel support dont have power to change the game

      ^Really? xD
      Just play whatever dude, dont bother supporting if you dont know how


        It is a different skill. U must help your team to play better than opponent. Think about it. So it is possible. But your goal in the game is different. Ur not trying to win yourself, that's wrong thinking friend


          that comment its not gonna help him Tasaina... fx dont worry just play what your teams needs if your team needs a really good support player be that guy, but if you wanna climb up in ranked games i think you should test another role just in case, everyone can play offlane and carry but not anybody can support a team.

          casual gamer

            support is ez mmr if u play it well u wont win every game but you will win more than u lose for sure


              If u are Normal skill support, ask yourself if you buy sentries to deward at all in a game. If u answer no (which is like what 90% of "supports" would answer) then you're doing it wrong.


                Ask urself "is anyone going to use the wards i place?" If the answer is no, place them for urself and cri when ur team dies to visible ganks. If yea then feel good. Tbh supporting just requires a lot of map awareness and ur early game has to be really on point. U have to be really useful, pullinf or ganking or warding. Stacking, tp supporting, checking runes, zoning offlaners. It takes a lot of practice tho. The only tip i can give u is never sit in lane doing nothing and dont spam abilities that push the wave. Make sure ur always doing something.


                  Yo daddy that's some 4k advice right there. Should be rekting scrubs everyday

                  Herald Pride

                    just play your role as a support as good as you can. sometimes we meet our carry is a shit but with good support the way of the game could and possibly changing. i grind mmr from 900 to 3400 and generally my role is support


                      Ive said this before im <1k tho ive never seriously tried to climb.


                        Heres my general gameplay of support. I would have some tango give to mid lane carry. Get 2 ward give 1 to offlane. Secure rune block creep at 42 ill pull the small camp double pull it secure rune then i will go to harass the offlane. I will trade some hits until my regen is finish and my hp is low then i will pull and stack the med/hard camp. Then i will go back ask the offlane to smoke gank at this time its around 5 min so offlane should have 6 we go mid kill mid then i will go back to lane harass. Buy some ward sentry then i will put them in the lane where i will push with my safelane carry then the rest of the game is reflexes. It come to smoke gank put down ward deward. Please correct if im wrong.

                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                            I know all the pattern that ns support will put and I always deward them. I looked into the replay and check where is the support will put ward and generally i will deward 90% of the time. Here at 1k a lot of people pick necro and i will just laugh at them when they dagon and ult my carry coz i have glimmer cape. But carry is more game changing i can get like 2-0 in 10 min with 70 cs as od or mirana and i would get their core at~22 min. I feel like as a carry people respected me for example:i say wd i need some dust ward and they bought it immediately and if i say rosh at 15 min mark they would follow me to the rosh pit.

                            Story Time

                              somehow no one respects supports, but it is ridiculous - supports have better map awareness (at least due to not being fixed on lasthitting/farming).


                                Support in low skill is like flipping a coin, you can support your best, but if your carry has no idea what to do and theirs does then you will lose unless you're a sup who can transition into a carry.
                                And often times, even if you are an amazing player, sups are usually squishy and rng heroes like pa can one shot you late game, or lc blink duel and you're dead. I suggest picking heroes who can 1v5 to climb mmr, it'll get boring but if you really want to climb you'll do it


                                  The problem is when everyone thinks that "I need a 1 v 5 hero" to climb. What gets old is the endless stream of premedonas spamming slark or jugg.

                                  But if you watch streams it doesn't seem to change as you go up much. It's funny seeing arteezy report players who take safe lane carry and tank the game. As above so below.


                                    Its not 1 vs 5 hero its like what hero can you make your team farmed. For that reason before bh is neft i pick bh because i get shit ton of money and get a lot of item fast. Now ill just play a mid carry and destroy mid.