General Discussion

General Discussiondiffusal blade on slark

diffusal blade on slark in General Discussion

    to counter armor buffs like war cry or frost armor, crimson guard?

    also mana burn seems to have nice synergy with essence shift


      if there are more efficient items pls say


        Why not bfury so he can farm faster

        Unless enemy has omni, idk if id ever get it

        Овај коментар је измењен
        one syllable anglo-saxon

          what is this diffusal blade thread fiesta
          time to make more "x item on y" troll threads


            last game i was vs sven and lich, +29 armor and 30% AS slow sounds like absolute hell for slark.
            they even wagered.

            sven confident going in diffusal blade die in a few seconds gg ez

            Овај коментар је измењен

              Its not the worst thing, whatever wins u games right?


                it is legit sometimes but generally you want items that give you hp, but I do buy it vs sven to purge his warcry, it's good vs omni too. That's about it.


                  what soy said
                  its not exactly the best item, but with the progressive total percentage of mana burnt with your essence shift is cool


                    OH YEAH and against medusa or WK