General Discussion

General DiscussionAnger Management

Anger Management in General Discussion
The Medic Guy

    what do you do not to get angry?

    i triggered so hard every time i play support, and meet an auto right-clicking carry, keep right click creeps and destroying the lane EQ, and every time i try to tell the carry just to last hit, he only do that for 2 creeps wave and after that he do auto right-click again, and for the second time i try to tell him, he just reply "S-T-F-U AND JUST PLAY" that is the moment i triggered so hard, and tilted 345678degrees.
    it feels like i'm gonna explode so hard and caps all the game and become toxic :(

    if it is toxic carry or mid who whining about no wards every time they died because their reckless i just simply mute them to avoid trigger, but this one i can't simply ignore because every time i watch him auto right click the creeps my trigger meters increase

    Though after the laning phase they do great performance.

    *edit: that s-t-f-u = contains offensive language or a banned term

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    1st class tourist

      stop being autistic, it might help

      doc joferlyn simp

        shut the fuck up

        doc joferlyn simp

          st fu is banned omg how does that make any sense

          The Medic Guy

            lol even dotabuff code of conduct founds that ST-FU is more offensive than Shut The Fuck Up


              Chill down stop thinking bout their plays focus on ur own.

              The Medic Guy


                how can i focus on my own, the lane suppose to stay near safelane tower (not in range) and stay there until the time to push

                and my job is zone off the offlaner, and just in case suddenly 3 enemies at offlane i can back my carry and retreat to tower.

                but because of the auto right-click the lane move near enemies tower and i can't zone off the offlaner, and i can only help denied which is hard because offlaner damage higher than mine. and my job is ruined and then the carry blame support don't know how to harras offlaner.

                sometimes i just leave the safelane and said "ENJOY SOLO SAFELANE" then mute the carry, and he just spam pinging on me.
                in this case i roam, gank mid lane and help offlane rush enemies carry, and sometimes this work for me but not all the time.

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  Idk about you but these recent changes to the nearby safelane hard camp to both sides should be enough motivation for you to push out the creeps

                  The Medic Guy

                    yeah pulling can reset the lane EQ but the lane pattern gonna be like this

                    creeps near safelane tower -> creeps move to middle area (pulled to hard camp and carry right clicking the hard camp) -> the rest creeps move to offlane tower.

                    what left is 1 range and 1 melee creeps

                    (at early)
                    melee creeps worth 36‒40 gold 45xp
                    range creeps worth 42‒48 gold 90xp

                    this always happen with right-clicker carry when pulling

                    if i solo pull, i wont hit the neutrals, what i do is wait until when i can start to denied and only last hit the neutrals, so i can make sure all my creeps die in neutrals and nothing left


                      mute them and do your best to carry the game by being an ambulance or clutch caster
                      if you lose be grateful because those shitheads doesn't deserve to win anyway


                        Play with me and of course ill the the carry and show you why you are not good at support :)


                          At min 2-5 its a good idea to push. Because you can stack and pull


                            "ill carry and shw you why you are not a good support"
                            normal skill smurf


                              You somehow need to accept that this is just a game and your teammates will often be moron. It is also really smart to mute people that are triggering. Often muting everyone in that game, including enemies is really good for your own skill development and there is a lot lower chance that you will get tilted.

                              BSJ. LGD

                                Anger is a human emotion that arises when something that you strongly expect to be some in a way that you expect.
                                If you actually think about why you are angry in life its probably because you expected someone to do something/act in some way but he/she didn't fulfill your expectations. the root of anger is always expectations.

                                For example, you fuked up something your parents ask you to do, if they didn't get angry, its either they didnt trust you in the first place, hence they didn't expect anything from you, or they got angry but then thought for awhile that their expectations are unrealistic and that fuking up is a human trait. and hence they have 2 expectations, and they dont' get mad because fuking up is a one of their expectations.

                                bottom line is, you should expect that your team is a bunch of PIECE OF SHIT TRASHHH FUCKING DOGSHIT players before the game even starts, and that is how you dont get mad. if you do get mad its because of the expectation of fairness "thinking why i always get shitstains, when enemy are always so good", the truth is the world isn't fair, fairness is a social construct.

                                Thus if you expect nothing, or expect everything, you achieved enlightenment and are a the god of zen. Thus, you increased your mmr by 1000.

                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                The Medic Guy

                                  now i am enlightened.
                                  i never realize my root of anger is i expect too much, i should not expect too much.

                                  all this time i think i git gud already after years learn the basics and advances, yet i never realize this one.
                                  i had failed myself, i think i should quit this game.
                                  time to uninstall dota2 and go to the highest mountain in china to git gud again