General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could have one dota item in rl

If you could have one dota item in rl in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    What item would that be and why?

    For me, it would be glimmer cape because turning invisible is awesome.

    anime is the best :3

      animal courier



        Mary Poppins

          @anime is the best :3 come on hotd is way better :D

          But the best, boots of travel 100%

          Овај коментар је измењен
          Dire Wolf

            not hand of midas?


              travel boots


                blink>bots, i suppose
                bots only allow u to tp to allied units and structures, and not to neutral ones.

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  id go for urn

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Oh my goodness. I think animal courier is the best. Then I could stay home while my shopping gets done :stunned:

                    Blink & Travel's will be very hot items as well.

                    What if Gem showed invis AND ghosts/dead people?


                      Gem of true sight to see ppl who they really are

                      Jk aghs so my unknown skillz get bufft

                      casual gamer

                        heart of tarrasque

                        casual gamer

                          eye of skadi distant second

                          dominator/midas maaaaaybe but i doubt you would want to pass up heart or skadi

                          Johnny Salami

                            Bloodstone, for the pocket suicide.


                              shadow blade to steal shit


                                Iron Wood Branch

                                Pale Mannie

                                  why shadowblade when you can have Silver Edge?

                                  LISAN AL GAIB

                                    Butterfly so i can try and evade all this bitchslaps adult life is giving me...


                                      Anything that helps me bag some puss


                                        shadow amulet so i can pretend thats the reason no one notices me



                                          Pale Mannie

                                            i like to chase people down but im slow as fuck so Blink is my item of choice


                                              Rapier. So the grills know what I'm packing


                                                Aghs so i can improve my life

                                                Putins Price Hike

                                                  lotus orb so all those hurtful words said by fellow dota players can bounce back at them


                                                    AC seems useful


                                                      Rofl nicks. Do u need a hug broh

                                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                                        Mask of madness, so I do "stuff" to alice faster ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          lotus orb so all those hurtful words said by fellow dota players can bounce back at them

                                                          This is very deep. Has anyone ever told you - you could be a poet?


                                                            Orchid so i can giff it to my love then fak some puss

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              ^I hear orgasms feel 30% better after orchid wears off, the extra silence duration during sex is nice too.


                                                                Orchid sounds useful for silencing the gf

                                                                Mr. Mart (of Wal-Mart Fame)

                                                                  Helm of the Dominator

                                                                  Super Speed Snail

                                                                    Observer wards for sure.

                                                                    Place it on "strategic" places and you could have materials for your "research"


                                                                      ^ night stalker aghs for looking into ppl houses?

                                                                      eger Carry Gods

                                                                        Without any doubt , tangoes because i lyk to eat trees


                                                                          Fk u timber


                                                                            Midas life


                                                                              necronomicon, so i can have slaves ofc.


                                                                                Slow time with shiva or revenge with lotus orb


                                                                                  solar crest so that i can feel the sun without going outside




                                                                                      Diffusial blade so I can cure myself


                                                                                        Helm of dominator, boots of Travel or Midas


                                                                                          Refresher orb so i never get tired

                                                                                          kung pao chicken

                                                                                            as jdf8 already said the only smart choices are heart or skadi.

                                                                                            imo skadi is more immediately impactful because of the int+agi. since we aren't heroes our base stats are 1-1-1 (I believe this is how it worked in wc3) so having a skadi makes you 25x stronger/agile/smarter. whereas heart only makes you 45x stronger.

                                                                                            hOWEVEr, afaik, the heart also grants immortality or something, and at the end of the day, time is the only thing you can't get enough of. so I think I would just go for heart.

                                                                                            if you think this doesn't work, then I would go for skadi 100%.

                                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              midas so i can give money to the poor and age 4x faster


                                                                                                Aegis or blink is the way to go

                                                                                                kung pao chicken

                                                                                                  aegis only works once, assuming heart grants immortality it would be the better choice.

                                                                                                  blink is pretty good but im sure being insanely smart,fast,and strong would be better than a short distance teleport every 12 seconds.

                                                                                                  if you were 25x faster than a normal human you could outrun someone with blink dagger anyway.