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General DiscussionHelp: Where am I going wrong?

Help: Where am I going wrong? in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    I'm a really new Dota player, who only just started about a few weeks ago. I have played Dota before, but only a few times. As I'm starting to play more matches, I'm realising that Dota is an extremely complex game. So instead of just playing to win, I decided I actually want to learn how to IMPROVE my playstyle. I have heard things like watch your replays and analyse your games and stuff like that, and I am. But this is the problem. I don't know where I am going wrong. In some matches I watch of myself, I can see positioning problems and I can realise some mistakes in positioning, or itemisation or even just last hitting in the lane. But I can't seem to understand where I might be doing the wrong thing, and most of the time, it ends up in a death. So, could you guys check out some of my games and tell me where I might be going wrong? I've posted some of my games's links below


      u bought 14 wards and 22 sentries on ur first game?

      u are not new, u are bad


        Actually I searched up some stuff before I started playing, I heard wards were good for the team so I bought a sh*tload of them

        Giff me Wingman

          Don't support in low mmr.


            Try to watch others games, ppl who are better then you, so you learn new things.

            Luis Miguel joven

              Buy more wards try to have less deaths, cover your carry don't steal exp, pull, stack, always tp in fights

              If you're carry farm till min 27, evade fights before that


                @ULU MULU
                I would play carry roles, but I can't last hit for crap
                I have tried that, and I do try to compare the differences between me and them, but I still can't really understand where I am going wrong. I do watch a bit of Purge tho ;)


                  Ah ok, I have watched some supporting guides, and not leeching exp i think is one of my biggest problems. I try pulling and stacking while the carry farms, but that's just it. After that I just sit in lane not knowing what to do. What do I do in between pulling and stacking instead of going back to lane?

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    watch heroes that you'r about to play and look in there perspective


                      Don't watch ur own replay in this lvl of play tbh. When u wanna "analyse" your replay u gotta have a mediocre knowledge of dota to say the least. Watching pro replays on the other hand helps a lot and if u got any question just ask it here ppl will help.
                      Actually u r going the right way lul first couple weeks in dota and analysing ur own games wow i played 60 drow games at start not last hitting shit till lvl6 then auto attacking to victory not even knowing about positioning.

                      About the game
                      Itemization : u still dont know every hero and what they could do not just lvls potentials combos etc. So u dont need to buy situational items just use what's in the guide but have a general knowledge on items like black king bar and pipe against magic damage and assault cuirass and Shiva's against heavy attackers this kinda stuff
                      Heroes: i suggest u play them all once just to see how the hero works and play once in bot match then online before you see the hero being played online you won't know how that hero is countered or his/her strength/weakness u can skip heroes that seem complex tho like invoker
                      Your own playstyle and stuff: for last hitting you just need to go to a passive bot match to try to get used to attack animation of heroes in first 10 mins of the game when you have low damage output. As for improving watch free gameleap content that's released on youtube and other guides video or text is ok just dont follow some random guode on dotafire i myself wrote a guide when i was 1k on there and as u could guess it was awful so dont do that ask for good guides. Other stuff will just improve as time passes by i guess later u can get better quicker by analysing ur replay but not right now when u dont even know stuff to analyse. And remember try to learn carry first it's the least complex role not that it's easy it's "less complex" learning to last hit, take objectives, farming patterns, etc is easier than to know when to be where in the map, having quick reaction timing to tp to lanes that are in trouble, knowing when to buy wards and where you should put them in each situation, etc. You'll end up like those afking in lane sups who jist leech xp and fuck up creep equilibrium in lane

                      Sry for the long post i dont got no potatos


                        ^Thanks for the post, I'll see what I can do to learn carry roles.
                        The thing is tho, my friends have always told me to learn support first as they are not too dependent on farm. So I started playing support more. But I never learned to actually last hit properly, I guess I'll start learning soon. What carry heroes do you suggest I play at beginner level?


                          Learn the meta, work on your hero pool, improve general skills like map awareness etc.


                            Watching purge is honestly gr8. Sometimes he doesnt understand the plights of the shit tier, but he explains things really well. Gl man.


                              sorry for beeing rude , but im trained that way


                                So I've searched up some info on carry roles, they have a weak early game, but get stronger as the game progresses. But my fear is that I will be harassed out of lane too easily. How do I counter this? Currently I'm thinking to play Juggernaut in my next game, but as a melee carry, wouldn't he be harassed too much going for last hits?


                                  thats why you buy a poor mans shield asap. jugg can dominate a lane and get tons of kills early with his q. also get phase boots, move speed is critical.


                                    Ah ok, what items do you guys recommend for Juggernaut? I often follow the standard guide on steam ( Is that good enough?

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      cant be avoided if you are "harassed too much". you are a melee hero, you will always have that disadvantage. you can only "lessen the effects of being harassed too much". you can always use techniques to make your life easier though

                                      learn to control creep aggro so that if the ranged enemy tried to harass they will need to tank at least some of the creeps' damage. armor values are low this time of the game so it will make a difference. you will also be putting yourself in a better last hitting position since creeps are closer to you. another plus is that lane equilibrium will lean towards you since the highest dps creep of your wave (ranged one) will die faster

                                      if playing carry and safelane looks like a hard lane with a lot of harass, dont hesitate to buy 2 sets of tangoes (8 overall) and ferry a salve asap. your role in the early game is farming, and you cant let low hp impede your role

                                      as mentioned, pms is a great item. mitigates a lot of phys dmg, especially from creeps. this will let you tank the creeps under tower while your supports pulls a camp. quelling blade is a very cost efficient item. the item will pay for itself after one wave, and continue being useful for an even longer while

                                      dont be afraid to make that qblade into an iron talon if lane is SUPERHARD. like necrophos/skywrath/axe trilane while cutting your wave every other minute or something as hellish. go instead to the jungle. some farm is better than no farm at all, just be aware of any missing heroes since they might have figured out you went to jungle and is having a hard time

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        that guide is good enough. however the context of that guide is that you have uncontested safelane farm, this is why it neglected to mention a quelling blade

                                        get it most of the time though, it's such a good item

                                        < blank >

                                          Look they don't want you to win, so what you're going to do is win some more.


                                            yeah thats a good guide. with blink manta and diffusal you can just jump and destroy anyone.

                                            you could also consider going battlefury if the game is going to be passive and you need to farm quickly. also in lower skill brackets im sure you could get a shadow blade and get endless kills.


                                              So, say if I came across a lone hero farming by themselves, how would i execute my skills/items to kill them?


                                                As jugg? Use bladefury and phase to chase after them. Either they run away from creeps then u use omnislash to kill them. Otherwise theyre forced to take bladefury dmg, which will clear the creeps then u use omnislash. This is for early game, late game u can just abyssal or manta or whatever


                                                  In general. Walk around the trees to get as much between them and where they would try and run to before they see you. Then (assume long you are strong enough to kill them) run up and right click them. Whenever they aren't near other enemy units (might be the moment you run up to them) ult them. Use your healing ward to sustain if they start hitting back. You can use spin and right click them to deal dmg while you follow them. Others probably know more.

                                                  The hardest part is know who you can kill and not chasing someone too far.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    if you are chasing someone with bladefury do not click on the enemy hero. just run beside them. if you do click on the enemy hero the creeps will aggro towards you, which means more targets for omnislash and you dont want that


                                                      I've heard there's a move key in Dota, and aparently its useful on juggernaut? how do you use it?

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        just press m then click enemy hero

                                                        however your bladefury has a massive range, and it is much better to run beside enemy while positioning in such a way that you hit as much targets as possible


                                                          Ok thx, anything else I need to know?

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            safelane jugg is great, but juggernaut mid is better tbh


                                                              You find a game
                                                              You pick arc warden,and go mid
                                                              You kill enemy mid over and over after getting lvl 6
                                                              You get your Midas
                                                              You get your maelstrom
                                                              You get your boots of travel Kill everyone who shows on the map
                                                              Buy whatever the fuck you want with your infinate gold.
                                                              You won the game of Dota fucking two.
                                                              This only happens after failing horribly in the first 5 games.

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                                                                Jug mid is harder, start out safelane


                                                                  ah k thx for the help guys, ill see if i can post the game on the forums after i play



                                                                    Super Speed Snail

                                                                      Oh yeah, Never play one but I hear while spinning, diffusal still do the mana burn effect and damage. You could cast it while spinning too. Try to make one with jugg.

                                                                      On last hit topic. When you play carry, LH is everything. Never spent 10 sec without kill something.

                                                                      4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                        my only advice to new players, you just need to start playing every hero in bot match before you go pvp online. being said, you need to understand what each heroes do, and understand their skills. and in bot match, try to understand every mechanic behind very items. practice last hitting against bots, because they are so good at it and it will make you lasthitting better after every match. you doesnt need to learn combo wombo and stuff yet, enough with understanding every heroes' roles. you dont want to play online vs another player to just die because "oh idk that hero has that kind of damage and spells". basically speaking, know every heroes and items and basic mechanics (last hitting, pulling, warding spot) then you can start playing online. the skills will come naturally sooner or after. hope this helps :)


                                                                          I watched 3 minutes of your first video, why are you intentionally stealing farm from your safe lane carry?


                                                                            First dont play arc warden it's a hard hero dont listen to that pleb

                                                                            Second haffy said enough about last hitting in your bracket just if it would take half your hp to get 1 lh dont get it let the wave push to your tower abd if you cant get lh anyway dont. Just get the xp and dont die then go jungle

                                                                            Good heroes for starting doto:
                                                                            Dragon knight
                                                                            Phantom assassin
                                                                            Spirit breaker


                                                                              And wraith king


                                                                                I recommend watching Purge, a youtuber/dota caster/"pro" player
                                                                                He has youtube videos where he basically teaches you the basics of every hero in dota and the mechanics of the game
                                                                                He also written a guide called Welcome to dota and you suck" read it, it will help

                                                                                4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                                  oh and one more. pls learn and understand the roles in dota. either you are a core or supp, what matter is how you do your job. be a good supp if you are one, and carry the team properly if you are playing carry. hope this also helps. glhf


                                                                                    Woot. Nasty mistakes on first few seconds of your VS game.

                                                                                    You cast an unnecessary stun on rhasta. It depleted your mana pool to nearly half. Learn how to control your mana pool. As a support you must always remain useful to save your carry or execute a gank. Secondly you are teleporting to a lane where enemy has an invisible hero. As a support, carry sentry or dust. Alternatively you could have gotten a wand since its a 2 man lane on the enemy side with heroes that have spamable spells. Just my few cents.


                                                                                      oh. And ALWAYS carry an extra tp. You could save so much life with a TP. Including yours.

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