General Discussion

General Discussion127k dmg as Sven and lost - need advice

127k dmg as Sven and lost - need advice in General Discussion

    What could i have done better boys?

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    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

      a proper build at that time should be, Daedalus-satanic-Assault Cuiras-moonshard(consumed)-bkb- Travels (Slark actually had monkey king bar so it should be useless for you to build butterfly)

      Edit. Also Tarrasque it's should be a good replace for satanic or bkb they have a lot of disablers. (tankiness)
      Dismember and flaming laso can disable throught BKB .

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      Potato Marshal

        Silver Edge was a wasted slot. Enemy team had no passives, should have gone rapier in a situation like that.


          In my defense i just want to say that it was the first time in my life i saw a slark escaping from both a slardar and a gondar with daggers. Lion also made force staff instead of rushing dagger as well. I had an early lothars + gem on me to chase slark myself and i managed to take him down most of the times. I had it on me because i was solo-searching for kills and team just didn't want to 5-man follow me. I thought about rapier but i certaintly would have dropped it with so many disables they had.

          If possible i would like someone to download the replay and watch it. Cause if that silver edge made me deal 127k dmg it must have been kind of a good item you know...

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            I think the ending six slot build is linkens, moonshard (consumed), ac, heart, daed (if u bloodthorn slark he bkb but it wud have been really good early cuz he got bkb at like 61 min), BoT lvl 2, pocket refresher (not sure if it shud be on u or in base or in ur own courier but as sven if u accidentaly use ulti and dont find a teamfight then ull need it).


              Also i think ur supports needed stuff like glimmer capes for saves while ur disabled


                I really like your answer bro. Finally an experienced player!!! Well yes bloodthorn is superior to daedalus, the only problem is that it takes more time to be farmed. I will try to play more passively in some games, get it and see how it turns out. I love you and thanks for the advice! ;D Echo is too good with it's double attack and mini-slow when you chase someone. At what point should i sell it?

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                  hey sven players, would u ever replace ur dom if u need slots? or replace the echo and go for satanic. satanic shd be a good item for sven cuz of str + lifesteal

                  Mode adiman

                    rofl no bkb, what advice u looking for?


                      ^what he need bkb for? qop and cask?


                        Thing with bkb that game is most disables went through it so im not sure if it was correct. U mostly dodge pounce, cask, and maledict. Also im not a hugely experienced olayer but i wud say my game knowledge is better than ny mmr (which isnt saying much im in 1k lol)


                          1. your team got very late items ( example bh got blink 30 min, pa had 30 min deso etc..)This is so bad means u all sucked first 30 min
                          2. You had 6900 tower damage , just 900 more than slark lmaoo)
                          for sure in 60 min game there was a chance of u to push more buildings than just have 7k tower damage , u even have 600 lasthits and for sure cleared all lanes letting pa suck cock and obviously u just wanted to farm and avoid hitting buildings cause u love to have more farm and more stats and items ,typical trash shit dead player.
                          3.Your items in inventory are 45 -50 min sven ( echo sabre silver no bkb )
                          why go silver is it better go bkb ?

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                            Dude calm down. Just cuz someone wants to improve doesnt mean u just flame them for wbing shit.


                              im mad he saix he think he did good and dont know how he lost u too stupid shit shut ypur mouth or i #rape#blugeon#decomposite#u#mom#ass#ez#necro#gg


                                > oykman
                                > Normal Skill

                                With no shitposting intent, I have to say that number mean nothing if you don't know how to play the game.
                                Getting kills or dealing damage =/= Victory
                                I know this isn't advice, but reflect a bit on this and you'll realize what I mean.


                                  compare my game i have 35 min items as u have in 65
                                  why ucant win u ask urself ?? lmaoo cause your trash thats why


                                    Dire wolf r u on ur period. U go through stages of cancerousness then reasonability.


                                      Pretty obvious the silver edge wasnt needed, that late in the game blink is enough to jump hg, I guess pa already had AC but you could still have gotten double moon shard to counteract qop's shivas, slark's skadi and sy.
                                      I imagine you couldnt even manfight slark in the late, with all those atk speed slows they had. BKB would have been a waste so probably the best thing you could do was getting rid of silver endge + echo and get moon shard, refresher, eat moon shard and get another one.
                                      You could even yolo and go rapier, or even abysal would have been better than silver edge and echo.


                                        Sabre is not a late item and it MUST be changed with something better (mkb, daed whatever). Obviously, u needed linkin and bkb bot becuz of the magical dmg but to not to be kited af

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                                        Luis Miguel joven

                                          It's not about hero dmg


                                            ur itembuild was crap


                                              heart would be the best pick up instead of the silver edge for str and hp it give huge boost to ur dmg + ulty along with shit ton of hp to survive most of their disables and even fight back with satanic

                                              EDIT:fix boots LOL

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                also lets take u out of this lion should knew that ur team needs better team fight he could get u mek,grave,drum... mek & drum with ur armor buff could easy secure all the tier1&2 towers without problems in same time they could punish slark way so bad all he can do is solo kill u with his ulty mek could give lion that 0.5s react to stun his shadow put sentry and hex this to be consider you guys were playing as team in first place

                                                casual gamer

                                                  HUGE BOOTS


                                                    heart lmao


                                                      @triple yea i'd go for heart thats something for sure pudge ulty goes through ur bkb same for batrider & qop why you'd buy bkb instead of heart just to escape slark pounce or dunno witch stun that u can basicly deal with just with blink or counter stun lets not forget that there's pa and slardar u dont think the enemys will just focus all they got on sven and leave the rest of his team screw around do u ?

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                                                        why would u buy heart to deal with lasso and devour, when u can buy linkens instead


                                                          on a serious note, heart is a very bad item on sven, and i strongly advice you not to build it, or at least not to recommend it to other people

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                                                            why would u buy link when bat got refresher well lets forget bat as his refresher was pretty late, why wont witch or qop simply screw ur link with their cheap skills then bat or pudge can then disable you ? link would be good pick up for 2 target spells but to deal with team that most if them basicly will shut ur link is waste of slot.




                                                                Yeh as a defensive item I would've definitely gone linkens so u could do dmg. Never like getting sb on Sven. Too shit. They will see u coming anyway. U need blink.

                                                                Heart is an old sch item on Sven. It boosts his ult a lot. But what u really need is crit, a way to do dmg wo getting kited, and attack speed. So use those to guide ur item choices next time.

                                                                casual enjoyer

                                                                  3 words for ya,




                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    Also don't max stun over warcry. One point of storm hammer at the beginning is enough, after that you should max it out last. Your stun is your only abilitiy that doesn't help you clear out ancients.


                                                                      i remember cookie played a heart skadi sven lul


                                                                        Literally all their disable cept cask and pounce pierce bkb it wud be a waste. Heart is usually bad, but its more reliable hp than satanic against two really long disables like dismember and lasso. If u pop satanic they can just stun u for 4 seconds not letting u lifesteal. I wud only get it last tho. I think crits r overestimate until late, sven hits so fucking hard early, that u almost dont need crits right after bkb. I feel like as sven u will deal all the dmg u need to if u just survive for the whole fight.

                                                                        4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                          basically speaking, just itemize as needed in that current game. forget the meta or typical guide. if you think skipping BKB is okay, the skip it. if you think buying Silver Edge is good, then keep it. there always more than one way to do things right, but if the items you chose lost you the game, then you know you are doing it wrong. when you know what is your mistake, start fixing it on the next games. glhf all

                                                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                            ^ why do i sound so poetic and stuff smh


                                                                              I think heart is good on Sven in a general sense. In this specific game you needed to ditch silver edge for linkens. AC can replace echo sabre but it does feel really unpleasant.


                                                                                this thread seems to explain the reasoning behind hero damage not being taken into account during calibration as much as it used to

                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                  linken- yes instead of bkb , and no for silver edge (look u have Bh in your team - u know that enemy will have tons of true vision), also consider bloodthorn. And still, i dont know why your team made no glimmer or mechasm ...


                                                                                    My boys i found the solution myself! Basically bloodthorn is superior to daedalus no matter how you see it and it's also genius vs slark, pa, storm, windrunner, timber etc. who are the main counters of sven. Instead of rushing a mkb and pair it with a daedalus later you have both thorn's true strike and crit from only 1 item. In the 127k dmg game i needed to have replaced echo into butterfly, travels into diffusal, silver edge into skadi, bloodthorn instead of daedalus (ALWAYS), satanic and dagger. Fly is always good because the rest 4 didn't have mkb plus wd's ulti misses as well. This is the IDEAL build. In a serious game where you go all as 5 there is no way you can escape from such a sven no matter who you are. He simply activates the move buff from fly while his dagger, stun, thorn are on cd and at the same time you have the slow from his skadi on you. If you die travels are in base, buyback and you go finish the game!

                                                                                    The optimal stats build is the above and you counter everyone who has a scepter. If game goes too well you build echo, thorn, satanic, travel and finish the game just like that. Bkb is needed only mid game (that you are still squishy) vs heavy magical nukes. When you are very late game you have the hp to sustain any magic dmg and endure with satanic plus a 5sec bkb is unimportant. In some rare cases you will need abyssal instead of diffusal because the bash from the opponent carry will eliminate your satanic. This is how i manfighted that Leoric one on one. Felt like Ip Man to tell the truth.

                                                                                    Strangely the duration of the game is identical to my previous one! 1hr 6min 49sec... illuminati confirmed!!!

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                                                                                      echos saber isnt a late game item... and too many handicapped in your team...


                                                                                        Thorn always??? Diffusal?



                                                                                          Bow to your daddy

                                                                                            here my 2k mmr solution answer for ya , ready?

                                                                                            buy black king bar and stack ancient

                                                                                            u can thank me later


                                                                                              I always stack ancients and get bkb guys instead of diffusal. The only problem most of the times is my team that doesn't want to back me up in fights/follow me and never carries invis detection. I was completely tilted when i saw my 4k slardar and a gondar with daggers not being able to stop a freaking SLARK! In another game i bought 16 wards and 12 sentries and my supports were still calling me noob xaxa! Funny thing is i would have won that epic game but i was so tilted, enraged and flamed the shit out of them that they weren't coming to help me later on and this psychological state also made me do silly mistakes like not activating bkb in 2 fights that would have ended the game. I swear if they make wards and quelling (for melee dewarding) to not take any slot i will be playing a whole different game all alone. After all that's dota my loves...

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