General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen people tell you what to do, what do you do?

When people tell you what to do, what do you do? in General Discussion

    Do you listen to them?
    Do you ignore them?
    Do you mute them?
    Do you argue?
    Do you see if you agree with it?
    In solo queue ranked do you listen to people or try to decide what you want to do? Sometimes when people tell me what to do it helps but I'm bad at playing under too much pressure and I end up tilting, so sometimes I listen to small things and sometimes I just do what I tihnk is right.

    What would the best overall choice to make in solo queue ranked?

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      I listen to them, if I can see that what they say is logical and smart, basically I'll listen more to 5k's or 6k's advices on how to win/play the game, but i will ignore them if what they say is retarted
      if its someone below me, I just ignore them, only listen if what they say has merit

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        It depends on the way they say it. If they are just angry and rage I'd rather not to, otherwise yes, why not? You can discuss everything ingame.

        The best people are, who listen to someone without questioning what he said and then blame him for the lost fight/game xD


          consider their advice and make your own decision.

          even high mmr players don't always make YOUR decisions best, because they are busy playing their own game. this is assuming you're playing the same game together.


            only if i know that their decision is correct


              Having some form of leadership is pretty integral to winning Dota 2 consistently in my experience. Even if it is just someone pinging objectives or calling for smoke ganks it is better to do things as a team even if they are horrid decisions rather than everyone playing their own game. Generally in pubs I listen to people who speak/give direction on team plays as long as they aren't overtly horrid. In many games once it progress to mid/lategame I do some shotcalling and ask my team to get shit done and most players tend to listen.


                I like to listen to people if they seems to give good advice. Generally, I'm the one giving the team direction, calling for tower pushes, smokes, roshan, when to back off, etc..

                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                  on my main i always listen to my team, if i dont agree i try to discuss things through

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