General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless Void vlads, why?

Faceless Void vlads, why? in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Why does every void player in the guides usually rush vlads?


      They're supposed to fight with their team,so the aura helps


        Since he loves lifesteal, and since it is hard to kill it makes him the perfect carrier of such a good early game aura. It also gives mana regen, and the buildup with headdress and basi help his laning.

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          But for me, at 10mins vanguard > vlads.

          I just think that people rush vlads because professional players also rush vlads. I can be wrong though.


            what on earth do you need a vanguard for


              Vanguard isn't an aura. Vlad's is also for the team. Void has no need for vanguard, it doesn't help him jungle faster, it doesn't benefit the team, and it doesn't give mana regen.

              Fee Too Pee

                How about build void like alternative AM? Pt + vang + echo sabre seems synergy as void job as offlane is too tank by actually a threat will increased bash proc. And void get mana regen and bit int with sabre

                Afterwarda get difu or manta


                  what on earth do you need vanguard for,

                  fee too pee, did you even think before posting? you've just suggested to exchange a 2275 gold item with 2 items totaling 4.8k gold

                  Fee Too Pee

                    Yo , cool dude i am just suggesting.
                    I mean echo also replacing yasha , or delaying it . Slow with double hit replaced the bonus mov speed and agi.

                    And as offlane vanguard is superior for tanking but not superior for teamfight

                    Its like try to man up in exchange aura and squishy for yourself

                    And as offlane u do not really hit hard with pt vlad and late yasha anyway. Why not hope on double hit and actually tank something

                    Suggestion bro


                      I personally don't think that echo is all that good on void, you're better off getting a diffusual earlier or yasha for the attack speed.

                      Vanguard is good if you go for a Naga build, lol. basically makes you unkillable, but that was nerfed last patch, but I can't remember why exactly.


                        isnt the latest meta to get linkens


                          wings made carry void with first item linkens popular yes, but that's practically impossible in [my] pubs

                          2k indog monkey

                            Void needs some sort of sustain to farm, so lets analyze all the lifesteal items
                            MoM = only gives damage and little sustain
                            HoTD = only gives sustain, void doesn't hit THAT hard for him to sustain his life in teamfight with raw lifesteal
                            vlad = gives mana regen, pushing and teamfight power (which is why you'd pick void in the first place anyway) and the sustain you need
                            Linken is better in some situation like where you need to counter initiate, or your team has better damage dealer than you, and your job is to distract and annoy the shit out of your enemy

                            2k indog monkey

                              only build VG when you're going radi a.k.a waga build
                              but that build is dead so no


                                nah linkens is just a great first item overall. Makes you unkillable. you have enough regen to farm and to move around the map.


                                  rip naga-void, most fun I had with this game probably

                                  2k indog monkey

                                    naga void is dead unless the meta shifts toward tanky fucks fighting each other for 5 minutes straight like back in 6.86


                                      Back in my days I used to scream around panicking like shit when my void is 30 hp down and sniper is assasinating me.

                                      2k indog monkey

                                        @etre mal
                                        you mean the days when void has an eye in the middle of his head and cancertrack? I remember
                                        and I'm sure 90% of my opponent does too


                                          back when i failed to hit void with double lagunablade


                                            Backtrack was the most retarded passive.

                                            Father Jack from Marketing



                                                When did Void become a tank? Can someone explain pls lmao


                                                  faceless use Vlads because due to change of his skillset (W).he isn't tanky anymore since volvo changed the skill. so vlads is the alternative


                                                    Well. Arteezy just build vanguard on void. Lmao.

                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                      because faceless void spends his ult downtime farming woods and splitpushing towers with the +5 armor aura, vlads also gives good damage because of void's high base damage, some stats and mana regen.
                                                      the aura affects your whole team too so thats nice.


                                                        yea wouldve been better if not for that base dmg nerf

                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          what on earth do you need vanguard for,


                                                          Tankiness vs right clicker or neuts.


                                                            @Ayase "I just think that people rush vlads because professional players also rush vlads. I can be wrong though." u right, people do this mistake often, but anyway, is a good item on void.. i worth mentioning that if u are that free to buy a higher item, u should, like diff.. sabre, isnt that good on void, his atk dmg is so low..


                                                              also, i agree, faceless void is real tanky with tanky items, that weaver walk make him stronger than before (with backtrack)

                                                              lm ao

                                                                Void can fight really early on in the game now so Vlad's is generally better.

                                                                It's not about tanking or damage, but utility, especially if you are offlane.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  cus vlad's is great for team, void usually plays offlane 3 position, which makes him the best carrier for it.


                                                                    well basically you want your allies to hit the guys you chrono from outside. and what better item to increase their damage early on in the game than a vlads?


                                                                      It is just the perfect item for Void I think because it does so many different things you really want as Void in one handy item. The buildup is perfect for sustaining in lane, you can very easily pick up a base+ring of regen or a fast headdress to help you sustain on the lane earlygame. The sustain midgame is really handy as between Chrono cd's you want to be farming dangerous areas on the map and pushing lanes deep. Vlads fits this playstyle perfectly as the lifesteal helps keep you topped up when you are farming the enemy jungle and you can also farm ancients quite handily which is very nice as typically only your pos 1 can also farm ancients so you can farm them without stealing farm from your other teammates. The aura is great for a hero who wants to stick around through the whole fight and be annoying with your time dilation and soak damage with time walk. Finally at only 2275 gold with a really easy buildup you can get it online at a reasonable timing even from super hard lanes which isn't really possible if you go for a linkens from offlane.

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        Fv does not tank damage, fv is only good for his ult. Vanguard imo is useless for void, especially since he's played offlane now a vlads is much more important. Linkens is trash on void imo since there are so many better options for void. Vlads helps him jungle, and the extra amor and regen keeps him going.


                                                                          vlads so good. u can farm easily while u supporting too ur teamates with regeneration and lifesteal in war.

                                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                            well basically you want your allies to hit the guys you chrono from outside. and what better item to increase their damage early on in the game than a vlads?

                                                                            Good point.

                                                                            Thank you guys for sharing your wisdom to us non void player.

                                                                            BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                                              What do you get after vlads tho, thats where im lost. I usually just choose between Diffu/Yasha/Dagger

                                                                              Ecchi sabre doesnt really cut it for me so no ty ;<

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                @fee to pee
                                                                                U never get this vang echo bullshit cuz it doesn't fit voids role. U say void doesn't hit hard with late yasha and Vlad's, but the whole fucking point of Vlad's is so u can farm literally for the entire time between chronos. Void shud almost never have to go back to base post vlads, unless he has sub 20% HP lategame, cuz he can sustain himself farming. Even when rotating to fountain on 100 HP u cud farm like 2-3 camps on ur way back. He is a great aura carrier cuz he is so hard to bring down, he doesn't need extra strength from echo for that, and as cookie said ur suggesting 2 items to replace 1 when both combined still don't do as much work as the 1. Vang doesn't sustain, has a harder buildup, doesn't give ur whole team 4 armor, doesn't help on pushes, doesn't give mana regen. Echo sabre gives almost no damage, mana regen that u already covered, barely any attack speed or any useful stats, and the double hit isn't worth it cuz u hit for not nearly enough DMG. A Vlad's into diffusal offers way way more utility to void and gives him everything he needs. The diffusal on top of what I mentioned Vlad's gives him, is damage, attack speed, armor, (from the gr8 agi stats), mana burn which has gr8 usage, a way to keep hitting the enemy by slowing them, a way to get rid of silences (survivability), synergy with another good void item manta, all plus the sustain, pushing, team fight aura of Vlad's for just 2 slots. Seeing as void is my most played hero, I'm really fucking triggered.


                                                                                  The build almost everytime is Vlad's, diffusal, manta, ac. Fit a linkens, bkb if needed. Blink is situational IMO, the hero is mobile enough and chrono big enough. However if ur team unknowingly picked melee heroes, or u randomed him after the fact, blink is good for those surgical chronos where u put the main target on the edge. If they have a huskar, bb or another stupid passive get SB into silver edge after diffusal. Late game luxury is a butterfly or something.


                                                                                    vlad is good in early game you can handle you're lane.
                                                                                    Basic items like iron talon then rush headdress and treads then you can agree already cuz you got first and headdress. :)
                                                                                    then u can jungle too with ur hp is not getting too low :)


                                                                                      I usually use domi at void. And dominate jungle's creep which can make my damage or attck speed up.
                                                                                      Domi+ Manta +Difusall is enough for me , isn't ?
                                                                                      Need manna? u have supp who build arc boot.

                                                                                      Domi > Vlad.
                                                                                      Ur team need damage? Dominate wolves, and u dan ur team get 30%damage. Or need attck speed ? Dominate creep at jungle. Simple. :D

                                                                                      Everyone have their playstyle

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                                                                                        headdress pa! never forgetti

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          all this people and no mention of mom bfury, im disappointed


                                                                                            @RE dominator doesnt give it all. U can only dominate one creep, meaning u can't have a DMG, mana regen, armor, and lifestealer aura up at once. And mana boots isn't reliable enough on someone like void where 60 mana cud mean life or death. Domi in fact takes mana to use lol.
                                                                                            @Haffy if ur gonna go MoM then bfury is retarded. Ur committed to this retarded chrono and kill as many people inside as possible, might as well go mjollnir daedalus.


                                                                                              Yea. Mom void still the best void. Disappointed in all of u


                                                                                                @Daddy, Battlefury is enough for ur manna. And at late game u can buy satanic , make u stronger. And ur team have 1 Guardian G. (Hp regen , armor, etc). That's my playstyle. I'm just noob boy, bro. Don't make it very serious. :D

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  what the fuck is a guardian g


                                                                                                    He means garden griefs


                                                                                                      In my opinion, if u want a ton of manna u can build Bloodstone for ur void. :D

                                                                                                      U can choose anything. But remember, everything always have risk. Be Brave, dad. Take the risk.
                                                                                                      If u lose, u can learn from lose. When u win, u can learn from win. So, just take the risk.

                                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                        Wtf battlefury is abt 5000 gold, if u want a perseverance item get linkens. Void needs nothing from batllefury, cleave is useless he farms fast enough anyway, and has no reason to build it over a fighting item. Same with satanic, void is already very survivable, why wud he need satanic. Even a heart wud make more sense cuz u can regen, and it helps u not get bursted so u can get time walk off. Not advocating for heart, but if an item that trash is better than satanic then it shows satanic is pure shit. Why do u assume ur team will have greaves and what tf does that add to ur argument. I'm so triggered.