General Discussion

General DiscussionPotato Marshal's Fantastical New Aghs Suggestion List 2016™😃👌

Potato Marshal's Fantastical New Aghs Suggestion List 2016™😃👌 in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    Mana burn no longer a UAM, burned mana as damage now raised from 60% to 100%

    Arc Warden:
    Whenenever tempest double dies or expires, a new tempest double will spawn in its place. The new tempest double will not spawn a new double if it dies or expires.

    Bounty Hunter:
    Track is now a 900 AOE spell, provides vision in a 300 AOE around tracked units

    Spiderlites are replaced by spiderlings

    Chaos Knight:
    Chaos strike from illusions or chaos knight himself will now spawn a phantasm illusion for 6 seconds

    Death pact can be cast on ancients

    Death Prophet:
    Spirits reduce target's armor by 2 with each attack. Debuff remains until the spirit expires

    Dragon Knight:
    Increases dragon form by one level, level 3 dragon form will now be a black dragon.
    Black dragon- Corrosive breath does 20 damage + 2% target's current health per second (percentage damage does not affect buildings)
    Splash attack now applies a patch of black fire on the ground in a 300 aoe for 2 seconds that applies dragon knight's damage each second
    Frost breath now slows for 40 for both movement and attack speed

    Ember spirit:
    Remove flame guard mana cost and lowers cooldown to 20 seconds. Flame guard becomes a passive that automatically activates/refreshes every 20 seconds.

    Tethered units gain 30% of Io's attributes

    Howl becomes a permanent passive

    Split shot now splits and infinite number of times and arrows do 100% damage

    Phantom Assassin:
    Stifling dagger now bounce to a random target 3 times within 3 range. Each are considered separate attacks, so effects such as crits are not shared for each target

    Phantom Lancer:
    Triples the amount of illusions generated by spirit lance and doppelganger

    Smoke screen now purges all debuffs from Riki and removes fade delay if Riki is standing in smoke. Riki also gains true invisibility while in smoke screen and cannot be detected by the enemy in any way.

    Bash now also reduces target armor by 3 for 10 seconds. Effect can stack, but duration is not stacked

    Doubles attribute lost and agility gain from essence shift

    Assassinate now has a piercing effect and damages all enemies between sniper and his target

    Damage reflected from dispersion now also heals Spectre

    Templar Assassin:
    Doubles the number of instances of refraction and refraction bonus damage

    Metamorphosis becomes permanent

    Troll Warlord:
    Fervor applies a debuff on the target so that all allies gain half the attack speed bonus from fervor when attacking the same target

    Dark rift can now teleport to anywhere on the map


      The riki aghs is pure stupidity.

        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
        Not Saske
          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

            some of these are completely OP and most are super useless.

            i guess clinkz ags working on ancients is ok.. golem would make you have like 4k hp or smth.

            Potato Marshal

              They're still a work-in-progress, but they'll be 100% 👌👌👌 once I update them by 2017



                please stop wasting time thanks


                  1. antiamge would be broken
                  2. arc aghs is useless like that, you're pretty much just giving enemy free gold with that aghs
                  3. bh is useless
                  4. brood is useless
                  5. that's just straight out broken, he'd be PL on steroids.
                  6. dk is ridiculous
                  7. pointless, useless
                  8. io has shit stats, useless
                  9. that's ridiculous
                  10. MEDUSA WHAT?!
                  11. PA WHAT?!!?!?!?
                  12. that's useless, he has an illusion cap
                  13. RIKI WHAT?! ?!!?!??!?!
                  14. useless
                  15. SLARK WHAT?!!?!??!
                  16. SNIPER WHAT?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!??!!??!?!?! ARE YOU INSANE?
                  17. buy octarine core + radiance and you'll literally never die, retarded suggestion
                  18. useless, literally
                  19. TERRORBLADE WHAT?!
                  20. UNDERLORD WHAT?!?!!?!?!? this one would be the most broken of them all

                  The Medic Guy

                    lol terrorblade has 140 sec CD for Metamorphosis, and got nerfed in past patch

                    No longer lingers through Terrorblade's death.
                    Increased mana cost from 50 to 100.

                    because its too ducking OP man.

                    if you give him permanent metamorphosis, everyone just gonna rush agha on terrorblade.


                    lycan howl better turn out like magnus empower aura with AOE instead permanent (global to all allies unit and hero?) or add 1 more wolf when lycan transform or cast skill 1(cant be both upgraded, either buff the skill 1 or ultimate)


                    phantom cancer got cancer?
                    most of the agha upgrade just Over Powered

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      IO agh's would be op in one scenario, alch and io combo, I would totally see io building boots and 5 dragon lance, with agh's given by alch.( though 30% isn't good enough, maybe 50%-70%)

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        Sniper agh's should offer piercing with a decent aoe, lower cd, less mana cost, and instant, it will give sniper insane farming and reliable damage, it's like Mirana agh's with less damage overall.