General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some advice for becoming professional at Dota 2.

I need some advice for becoming professional at Dota 2. in General Discussion

    Hello reader, I am currently in my sophomore year of highschool and I have a fiery passion of becoming atleast semi pro at Dota 2. I am planning on taking programming classes (my second passion) so I have a backup plan if the Dota plan fails. Currently, I am very passionate about this game. It takes most of my days and especially weekends. Over the summer, I even hit 200 hours of Dota 2 every 2 weeks. I just recently broke loose from 1k and over a span of 2-3 months I made it to 3k mmr, still gaining mmr still. I got a lot of time and perhaps if I immerse myself in Dota 2 more and more I will be able to hit 5k or maybe 6k over the next couple of years of highschool and college.

    My question is, how can I become pro at dota 2? I want to learn, I want to climb and I want this chance of my youth to keep playing. I currently only have perhaps 1.5 years of focused experience on this game. Does somebody have advice for me to succeed?

    doc joferlyn simp

      summoning benao

      ask benao he climbed to 4k like it was nothing

      Riguma Borusu

        give it up


          Get a coach


            Need more experience


              you're 3k mmr

              you have to have a bare minimum 6-7k and know people and execute with them.

              fastest 2 ways to get to high mmr are paying for a pro coach to guide you

              or doing it yourself with an insane amount of analysis(like i did)

              and even having 6-7k will not guarantee you to become a tier 1-3 pro player.


                Hey Cookie do u have more guide other than map awareness one i have a good read


                  Found it yesterday lol


                    Rather than focussing on being a proplayer, have you considered the other careers within the dota world (like casting, analysis etc.)? The risk/reward of trying to be a proplayer is really, really, really bad.

                    The years you are considering to dedicate to dota are some of the most influential of your life and will determine what happens to you for the next 50yrs or so. are you sure you want to give up all the other life experiences and opportunities for the chance of being a proplayer?

                    good luck if you do but you only have one life so if you are going to commit, commit and quit school because the odds are already super low of you succeeding and giving up dota time for school is just making it harder....

                    'When game is going full retard you can only go with it If you start going against it if you start going half retard you're fucking done for'

                    me, government hooker

                      me too


                        Thnx cookie lmao

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          I heard Miracle- calibrate at 5.1k mmr

                          So if you not that talented you need to analysis so that hard and do experiment and try out all possible way - for a noob to become a pro screen player u can't play for fun, not anymore.

                          SO U BETTER DECIDE NOW

                          1)U GONNA PLAY FOR FUN AND BE NOOB


                          TELL ME NOW WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE?

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Tbh is there actually a talent for playing dota? All i know is that all the pro players spend countless of games improving their gameplay rather than giving excuses.


                              No they give countless excuses. Just look at our favorite whiny asshole bitch EE same.


                                But still EE tries to git gud rather than making threads on dotabuff saying that " *insert hero* " is not balance. If you know who i mean


                                  If you can't hit at least 6k playing casually then you'll never make it as a Dota 2 pro, if you are a core player then bar is probably higher as well.


                                    smurf is the answer or bot matches (INSANE OR HARD)

                                    want proof? let me take a screenshot if you want.


                                      Diox thinks bot matches turns you into a pro player lmao
                                      I stomped the shit out of them yesterday with constant 850+ GPM with niche heroes and I'm a shitty trash


                                        Good job on the guides
                                        Simple, understandable, but imformative



                                          i never understood this statement and how far "casual" is in dota

                                          afaik before most of them became pros they have already been playing this game ever since warcraft days while the newer kids are just too dedicated to the game

                                          because i think "casual dota" is where u just play normal matches, play 1 every day or two, maybe even less, and never really do anything to improve

                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                            If you can't hit at least 6k playing casually then you'll never make it as a Dota 2 pro, if you are a core player then bar is probably higher as well.

                                            Not completely true, 343 from fanatic was 5.7k in ti, demon 5.9, nutz who got a high placement in ti with mvp and current faceless player is 5.5k the last time I saw him

                                              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                1) acquire MINIMUM 6k mmr. I only know of like 1 player with 5k who went pro (demon) but that's an extreme outlier case.

                                                2) get into the competitive scene, play in amateur tournaments, try to befriend as many 6k+ players as you can.

                                                3) build your reputation and hopefully join a team.

                                                alternatively) get to top 10 leaderboards and try to build a team off of pure pubstompery like W33 or Miracle- did.

                                                but if you are 3k, your chances of going pro, even with lots of effort is very low. the amount of stuff you need to learn is insane. i've coached a bunch of 2-3k players and every time I can get them to improve a lot, but it's very clear they just won't go that high.

                                                coaching might get you to 4k and probably easily will, but getting to 6k requires a lot more than just that. and the higher your mmr goes, the more unlikely it will be or harder it will be to find someone who can coach you higher. nobody coaches RTZ how to play. I mean he might have high mmr friends who share knowledge, or his team coach, but nobody is actually teaching RTZ how to play.


                                                  You said you wanted to be a pro. you want to make money by playing dota, right? You can always start stream your own games but for that you should git gud. dont mind me. im just a noob.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    I think SEA is slightly different because mmr is less inflated than it is in Europe and NA. Also note all of those guys are support players and play support in solo queue, I'm 100% certain if they wanted to tryhard cores they could all be 6.5k+.

                                                    My idea of casual play is playing while still doing other shit in your life AKA not 100% of your time dedicated to Dota. For example Envy was getting good grades in a highly competitive Eng Sci program in Canada and still was one of the best Hon players in NA. I'm pretty sure if you drop everything to play only Dota and you aren't even 6k while doing school/work/life in general you are making an extremely poor life choice.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      inflated mmr the best excuse for sucking ass


                                                        I mean Meracle is 8k and right now he's in Australia I really want to see him win some ranked games with 3ks on his team if it's even possible to find a game. Best example is Ana who was considered a God for barely scraping 7k in Aus and now he's shitting on kids in EU 8k.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          yeah because there are more good players in eu


                                                            Yeah there's more good players so you don't get garbage teammates scraped from the depths of 4k? Slickz goes from mid 6k to 7.2k in EU, comes back to Aus and hes mid 6k again. Ana goes from 7k flat to 8k in EU, basically every member of MVP went up to 8k+ when they were bootcamping in NA, the list of examples is endless. Kpii was a 6k in AU now hes 7.7k in China. Demon goes from 7k in NA to 5.9k in SEA. Fact of the matter is in larger servers the bell curve is wider so the best players are inflated compared to other servers.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              i see then, if thats the case then grinding 6k and doing coaching or even boosting would earn u some money without 100% commitment


                                                                mmr inflation is a real thing but only effects the upper most spectrum of mmr.

                                                                4K EU = 4K NA = 4K SEA

                                                                but.. 8K EU = 7K NA = 7.5K SEA

                                                                doesn't mean some regions hvae better players it's just easier to earn mmr with higher population at the highest level of mmr (7k+)


                                                                  i dunno i think its easy as fuck playing low average games

                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.



                                                                        It's easier for a 3k to carry 2k retards against 2.5k retards compared to a 7k that has to carry 4k retards against 5k retards


                                                                          i dont think its hard to 1v5 vs 5ks


                                                                            1:Go to Youtube

                                                                            2:Type nightcore clarity

                                                                            3:Click the channel and search for Aimer playlist

                                                                            4:Listen to the nightcore everytime u play Dotes on the night


                                                                            6: Profit


                                                                              not many of her good songs in that playlist imo

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                still waiting for ywn to go pro


                                                                                  how old are u 6k 7k s here ?and where u from

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен


                                                                                    Yeah,but i can't seem to stop myself from hearing it lol

                                                                                    It's a habit now


                                                                                      nightcore is one of the most potato musci genres i ever heard of


                                                                                        yeah but if the song is good the nightcore ver can be decent imo

                                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                                          Pop is still the most potatoest

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            i play probably 5-8 games every day when i have time but its still "casual" in that i spend time thinking about irl shit and am either not improving or improving at a glacial pace

                                                                                            non casual would be spending all day replay analysis of better players + my games and playing ranked also, spending time not playing dota thinking about what i am not doing and always being well rested when i play vs right now i play on tilt + no sleep and throw 5 games in a row and shit


                                                                                              If your mmr is staying constant and you are playing you are improving at the game, just relative to everyone else you are improving at the same rate. Climbing mmr is very 'Red Queen' in that you have to improve faster than everyone else is improving to get higher, not just improve yourself.

                                                                                              not arin

                                                                                                nightcore is one of the most potato musci genres i ever heard of

                                                                                                the only quality response in this thread

                                                                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                                  nightcore isnt very good yes but lots of orignal versions of songs get taken down so for some singers most of their songs remaining on youtube are nightcored, such as aimer

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                    I agree with aimer, every 7k player who streams talks so badly on 5k players. Anytime bsj plays on his smurfs he destroys 5ks and just picks whatever chat says most of time, or whatever he is feeling like he wants to play. So I believe a 7k could 1v5 5ks