General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT MMR I WILL GET ?

WHAT MMR I WILL GET ? in General Discussion

    i just met 3k ppl sometimes in normal matches. I still have few normal games more to start calibrating rank matches .

    Any comments below ?????


      2.7 mmr

      2k indog monkey





            fx you really have nice win rate .


              flips you have great mmr i have ever seen


                Evan Junior you also have good win rate :)

                2k indog monkey

                  Thanks but your current winrate shouldn't matter to your calibration result, it only affects your first calibrations' average MMR
                  As a proof
                  Cookie calibrated every single normal skill account that people gave to him to 4k+ because he's actually that good
                  Pub is NOT ranked games you know
                  Some people are just practicing heroes in pub or to meme with their friends with stupid builds




                      Evan junior , I think if i would like to get good first calibrations 's average MMR, i should have good win rate :) just my opinion

                      meteor hammer

                        i lost almost all of my calibration matches and my mmr went up every time i lost ayy lmao

                        2k indog monkey

                          No man its not guaranteed
                          You might get paired by decent 3ks that can play teamwork
                          But most of the time you'd get paired with smurf trash
                          I met offlane injoker with bracers only as starting item yesterday on a fucking 3k match, tell me how is that not a smurf who managed to manipulate his stats so well that he managed to get 3k in the first place (I'm not taking account buyer as an answer, people buy 4k not 3k)

                          2k indog monkey

                            Don't get so sad if you couldn't calibrate 3k above, you can just improve and grind yourself up


                              PREDICT MY MMR

                              The Medic Guy

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                                THE FUCK?!

                                  predick my mmr...plz


                                    Yo I met a 7k player for breakfast. Will I calibrate 7k?

                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                      yo i met a grill at class yesterday and now im falling in love <3